Man of the Year 年度人物

Man of the Year 明年二零零八年是選舉年﹐在美國有民主共和兩黨二擇其一的總統大選﹐在香港則有結果內定的小圈子特首選舉。當現實中的選舉是如此般乏味﹐「年度人物」正好填補這個空白﹐讓觀眾看一場精彩的選戰。這齣電影由Robin Williams當主角﹐一看他的名字就知道是套合家歡喜劇。故事的主角是個政治脫口騷的喜劇演員﹐每晚在電視上諷刺事弊博觀眾一笑。他批評美個的兩黨政治忽視人民利益﹐有個現場觀眾簇擁他去參加競選﹐於是我們的喜劇演員搖身一變成為獨立候選人。剛巧這屆大選轉用電腦投票系統﹐陰差陽錯的電腦系統點票出現錯誤﹐讓這個不可能當選的候選人勝出﹐引出連串笑話。

這套電影只是小成本製作﹐沒有特技沒有大場面﹐劇情也頗為牽強胡鬧 ﹐只靠Robin Williams出色的表演帶動氣氛。上半部總統選戰不乏精警對白﹐雖然大部份只是從互聯網抄來的政治笑話﹐但熟悉美國政情的觀眾必會看得捧腹大笑。那些諷刺確能一針見血地指出美國的白痴政治生態﹐引起身受其害又無法改變現狀的觀眾的共鳴。整套電影最抵死爆笑那場戲是統總候選人的辯論﹐主角玩轉原本沉悶的辯論大會﹐兩大政黨的候選人被他的搶白氣得七孔生煙。電影下半部比較遜色﹐主線從大衛挑戰巨人的總統選舉﹐一下子跳到愛情線玩總統捉女仔﹐而那個女仔又恰巧知道電腦出錯大秘密的老土橋段。最後主角選擇愛情放棄總統的寶座﹐向公眾交代因為電腦出錯才能當選的來龍去脈﹐與總統之位擦身而過繼續遊戲人間。


What is Six Sigma – Pete Pande, Larry Holpp

Six Sigma 去年公司大老闆說要改革﹐發給員工一人一本GE總裁Jack Welch寫的Winning。可惜有頭威沒有尾勢﹐除了部門重組上層人事大改動外﹐中下層的劣等管理文化依舊。我唯一的得著只是有本免費書﹐我以前從來不看企管書藉。不過既然開始看了第一本﹐好像上癮似的﹐一年下來前後讀了五六本同類書藉。在Jack Welch的書中﹐他常常提及Six Sigma的管理方法﹐這個方法令GE起死回生﹐他對此亦引以自豪。不過書沒有深入介紹Six Sigma﹐好像是一顆萬能的銀子彈﹐對任何企業問題也可以迎刃而解。剛巧公司圖書館有一批新書﹐見到有本介紹Six Sigma﹐便借來看看﹐短短的一百頁也不夠﹐在公司花兩個下午忙裏偷閑便看完了。

Six Sigma的名字很嚇人﹐蠻高深似的﹐一大堆什麼黑帶﹐綠帶﹐冠軍團隊的術語。說穿了其實只是新瓶舊酒﹐把以客觀數據為基礎的管理方法﹐重新包裝得漂亮吸引﹐內容沒有一項在大學管理入門沒有教過的。一來可以收取高昂的顧問費﹐二來然而管理方法雖然簡單顯淺﹐但要向高層推銷並落實報行﹐這些華麗富學術性的包裝是必須的。Sigma是希臘字母δ﹐在統計學上代表Standard Deviation﹐用來量度誤差率。目標的質素定在六個δ﹐就是要誤差率少於0.03%﹐要做到差不多完美。Six Sigma管理方法就是提升公司的效率﹐如何才可以達到六個δ的標準。

Sig Sigma強調跨部門之間的合作﹐任何決定也必須作充份的數據分析 ﹐著重改變公司內部的處事方法﹐建立一套可持之以恆的系統。正如所有管理方法改革一樣﹐可隨高層的喜好在不同范圍試驗推行﹐上至整間公司一夜間改行新方法﹐下至一個部門或單一計畫當白老鼠也可以。不過Six Sigma方法強調一點﹐就是推行改革必須要有高層作後台﹐甚至有必要讓高層把自己的前途賭在改革上﹐不然改革注定失敗。這個是想當然的常識﹐企業改革又不是攪無產階級革命﹐何曾見過由草根階層發現的企業改革﹖選定要改革的項目後﹐就可以從公司各部門抽調手來﹐組成一支Six Sigma團隊。這個團隊有五個重要工作﹐首先釐清問題﹐將問題轉化成客觀的指標﹐第二步是收集數據﹐不放過任何有關連的資料。接著第三步是分析數據﹐找出問題的成因。第四步是提出改善方法﹐並重複這幾步真至達到指標。最後就是功成身退﹐待新系統上軌道後﹐就把日常運作交回營運人員手上。

書中後半部簡單抽述幾個成功例子 ﹐例出一系統執行Six Sigma管理方法的工具箱。最後附有基本Six Sigma指南給公司不同階層的員工﹐其本上就是叫大家合作不要螳臂擋車﹐這點是在企業生存的基本常識﹐任何反對上層改革的員工﹐通常都沒有好收場。反正改革責任上層有人扛起﹐不論是亂來還是認真地改革﹐最緊要配合。若有幸被選入Six Sigma團隊﹐不要怕辛苦多做額外的工作﹐能夠參與改革的決策過程可是升職的捷徑。 這本書是一本很好的Six Sigma入門書藉﹐雖然沒有學到什麼新的知識﹐但最重要是學懂Six Sigma那套用語﹐可以把以前課堂上學過的內容應用其在。不知我們公司的改蕭何時才會貫徹始終﹐學人家GE那樣實行Six Sigma管理方法。

我這一代香港人 – 陳冠中

My HK Generation 去年原本沒有多少人認識的陳冠中﹐一躍成為香港文化界的代表作家。他的著作「我這一代香港人」不單晉身香港電台舉辦的十本好書名單內﹐還成為城中知識份子人手一本的指定讀本。我這個沒有什麼文化的粗人﹐自然不甘後人﹐買本回來閱讀惡補﹐好在人前扮有文化。陳冠中在文化界活躍多年﹐他是「號外」雜誌的創辨人﹐現今定居北京容梭中港台各地地。這本書將他多年的文章結集出版﹐形式雖似是散文集﹐但並非一般的消閑讀物。每篇文章的學術含量頗高﹐作者以他淵博的學識﹐去分析和介紹影響香港的各種文化思潮。


第二部份探討流行文化﹐可閱讀性最高是介紹坎普﹐垃圾﹐刻奇文化理論和愛富族字典的兩篇文章。可能只是我自己見識少﹐從來沒有聽過Susan Sontag的大名。陳冠中把她的坎普文化理論娓娓道來﹐正好解答了多年來我對這種文化現像的疑惑﹐讓我茅悟頓開。原來我一直喜歡那些明明表面上很差﹐但不知何解會覺得很好的東西是有個名堂﹐還在文化學術界這樣出名﹐甚有相知恨晚的感覺。愛富族社交語寫得很有趣﹐雖然字典內的英文字我差不多全部也懂﹐但從沒有想過可以這樣歸類﹐組成新上流社會常用言語。剩餘的幾篇文章有的寫影評有的寫流潮生活﹐不過那些電影我大部份沒有看過﹐流潮生活並非我的興趣﹐所以沒有多大共鳴﹐看過知道了便算。



Today, I came across book sharing website at It is pretty much like, except this one is focus only on books and have a better user interface. is based in HK, which is kinda an unusal place to start a new web 2.0 venture. The website allow users to create and share their books collection. User can enter title of the books, rating and comments, then will take care of the database and provide other information of the book like cover picture, publisher, etc. The website connects users share comon reading interest. The website is still in beta stage, but it has already built up a large book catalog and user base. When first come out, I thought about using it to keep track of my books. However, I found it too inconvinent to use and dropped the idea. seems addressed most problem of Doubai and it also provide easy integration to your blog and export your book shelf in plain HTML for backup. The website is still in its infancy, it needs many improvement. It is still too much hassle to add a book, the book search function is not fast enough. I think can post a serious thread to, which is slowly turning into an anti-intelligent getto. Probably including music and movie reviews is not a good idea, espeically music, it really dumb down the intellectual content of the users.


I went to shopping with Pat this afternoon.  Unfortunately, after spending 3 hours in the mall, the only thing I bought is a polo shirt.  Not a very productive shopping trip.  I first went to Mountain Equiment Co-op then head towards Park Royal.  This two places has totally different shopping style.  I feel very comfortable selecting clothings in Mountain Equiment Co-op, while I am quite uneasy finding the right clothings in Park Royal.  I don’t know much about the clothings in general.  The clothings in Moutain Equiments are all functional, there are specification for me to look up.  I can compare their water-proof, warm-keeping, breathness, price then make an objective judgement.  On the other hand, the selection criteria of the clothings in Park Royalother is subjective.  I know what kind colour I like and whether the clothes is comfortable or not, but I can never tell I bought the right clothes.  If clothing style is purely subjective and there is no dispute on tastes, then at least I don’t have to care what others people think about my clothes.  But this is obviously not the reality, people judge you by what you wear.  Yet there is no objective rules to capture how people may judge you.  To make it worst, try to use statistic approach by simpily getting the most common fashion style won’t work.  Fashion is something contradictary on its own, it has to follow the trend, but at the same time blame the lack of uniqueness or character.  Almost policy in the old communist China is wrong, but at least they have done one thing right by making everyone wear the same style uniform everyday everywhere.  This policy is probably the only way to my problem in clothes shopping.  Ok, I do agree the Mao style unifrm is ugly.  Maybe we can fix the system by hiring some top fashion designers to make a better looking uniform.

Practical Joke

In grade school or junor high, people love practical jokes. If the joke is harmless, at least physically, it is nothing but some nonsense fun. However I can’t believe someone who is in his mid-thirties still play practical jokes pulling the chair when someone trying to sit down. Yes, I was the victim this time and luckily I was not hurted. Actually, it is my own fault, I should be more aware of that baka colleague. You just can’t let your guard down one second when he is around. It is not the first time his stupid jokes offended friends in the group. I am just the lastest name added to the long list. I won’t even bother to demand for an apologize, since we all know he is shameless, never will, probably not able to, express any sense of sorry to anyone. Judging from his past records, you cannot trust him he to be mature enough to distinguish when is ok to have fun or when is not. I suspected he does not have any awareness about the responsibility of his own action. So you can’t really upset with someone who is simplily retarded. You can only feel sorry for him, maybe pray for him if you are religious. Well, maybe God can’t do much about him except writting him off as a counter example for the rest of us. Nor you can ignore him, he is just part of your work life. Just like everything else in life, it is full of unpredictable events. The only thing you can do is always be prepare and react fast to stay way from harms. The moral of this story is thy shoult never get close to that guy. I had paid my price for not listening to the advice of the previous victims. It is really my own fault.







獨立運作不合併不改名為大學的教院 ﹐正好可以提供低層次專上教育。若教統局再把那幾間只有大學之名而沒有大學之實的大學降格(如樹仁﹐嶺南﹐公大)﹐變回傳統專上學院﹐不單可以減少不必要的教育開支﹐保持大學生的質素﹐亦可以使香港大專教育生態更加健康。當然最重要是建立師生在專上學校間流動的橋樑﹐不論是學生或教授只要能力優異出眾﹐就可以升級轉住更好的學校﹐享用更多的教學資源。新的制度比現在各院校每年與政府講數﹐各自心懷鬼胎地爭取更多撥款﹐更能夠善用香港的教育資源﹐亦能更有效培養出社會需要不同階層的人材。

PMC Idle

It is my turn to be the PMC Idle. My old project is finished and the whole term is not assign to new project. There are rumors that the company is going to have another restructure next month. Right now, the executives are waiting other projects to finish, so they can realign the engineers and shuffle people between departments. Since we have almost nothing to do, we start collecting verification statistics and benchmark from the previous project, which is something never done before. In the past, we were rushed from one project to another, never have the time to do a proper postmortem analysis. In the project, we have run over 20000 simulations, combined CPU time is over 6 years. Ironically, the simulations spent 20 years sitting in the server farm waiting for CPU become available. I am not the only one out of work, my boss has nothing to do as well. He called a meeting trying to figure out something for us to work on. At the end, we decided we should just relax and take this time to learn something new. I have assigned myself read management books borrowed from the library and proposed a few verification infrastructure projects. The problem is we will have to go through a few hoops to get those pet projects approved by the upper management. In this company, we don’t have any system setup for personal research or development work. We can only envy those in 3M or Google who can spend 20% of their time working on fun pet projects.

Treo 680

Treo 680 Finally, it is time for my trusty old Nokia cell phone to retire.  I am probably the only person amoung my friends still using a black and white phone.  My old Nokia has been abused by me so much that the volume button is no longer functional and there is a big crack on the screen.  I wanted to get a new cell phone for quite some time, but I hang on to my old Nokia since I havn’t seen any phone I like.  I want an all-in-one cell phone with PDA and camera, mp3 player.  I personally dislike Microsoft, so the Pocket PC phones are out of question.  The Treo 650 released a couple years ago almost meet my requirement, except I don’t like the atenna.  Now the new Treo 680 exactly matches all my criteria.

I have been a long time Palm Pilot user, owned 3 generation of Palms .  I only stop using after my Palm V broke down and I sometimes I still missed it.  The Treo 680 runs Palm OS, so I feel right at home.  The setup follows the good Palm tradition, which is very easy.  After I insert the sim card, the Palm is up and running in no time.  Treo 680 has a known bug that the camera does not know how to turn off itself and keep draining the battery.  There is a patch avaiable on the Palm website, download and install the patch solves the problem.  I have another delimma, I switched to Thunderbird to store my contacts a while ago.  Luckily there is an extension that sync the Thunderbird address book with my new Palm.  However, I still cannot sync up my calender and tasks list from Sunbird.  That is just some minor nuisance, I don’t use the calender and tasks list that often anyways.

After I get done with the basic setup, it is time to install extra software.  It took me a long time searching the net for a Chinese OS with crack.  It is the most important software on Palm, without it I can’t use Chinese applications.  I also need a dictionary, a Chinese / English bible, a scientific calculator, star chart and some games.  I havn’t download other programs yet but I don’t worry about that too much, since there are freeware or open source aviable.  With all those programs in the configuration, my new Palm is pretty much has the same stuffs as my old Palm.

I can download all the software for free, but I will have to pay for the extra hardware I need.  The Treo 680 comes with a wired hand free headset, but I want to have a wireless blue tooth headset.  I need an 2.5mm to 3.5mm audio jack converter so I can connect the Palm with my car stereo or headphone.  At last, I also need a 2G SD card to store music and photos.

The only complain I have about my new Palm is that it is locked with my wireless carrier.  After I finish setting it up, I will search for ways to unlock my Palm so that I can use it in Europe or HK.

New look

I proudly present the new face of my blog.  I have been developing this wordpress theme for the past two weeks, experimenting with AJAX and PHP.  The new layout greatly improved the aesthetic and function of my blog.  On every page, I added a drop down menu and a left side bar with widgets on recent posts, and comments for easier navigation.  On the front page, I added more information about my blog on the right side bar.  This theme is not yet complete and the rennovation of my site is only half done.  Here is the short term and long term to-do list for my blog.

Short Term:

  • Package the theme for download and create a documentation page for the theme.  I still have to figure out where to submit theme.
  • Add a profile box on the front page with brief introduction of myself
  • Write the page about myself
  • Write the page explain the meaning of “Philosophy’s Camp” and some background history of
  • Add comment sections for pages.

Long Term:

  • Rework the CSS style sheet, consolidate the style elements.  My current style sheet is based on the wordpress default theme, so it still contains with many useless elements.
  • Add post preview on the search result page, category and archieve index page.
  • Think about what to put in the place of the right side bar in single post page.
  • Use collapsable tree for the page widget and archive widget
  • Make the theme true AJAX compliant, only refresh the updated portion of page instead of refreshing the whole page
  • Add a database to display quotes from my favour philosophers.

Feel free to leave me comments to let me know your opinion on the new design.  Tell me what new features you would like to see and what current feature is hard to use.  I will incoporate the suggestion in the next release.