Why I blog?

To blog or not to blog, that is the question. I have been thinking about why do I blog lately. Newspaper, magazine have been talking about the blogsphere for quite some time. Some people think blog is just an open dairy, some other blog is the new media that can revolutionize the traditional mass media. Technically speaking, blog is just an online content managment system. There is no limitation on what content can show up in a the blog, that all depends on the blogger’s personal perference. Writing blog is just like writing a notebook, if you write dairy then your blog is a dairy; if you report news then your blog is a journal; if you write stories then your blog is a novel. People write blog for different reasons, some want to share his thoughts with friends, some write for popularity, some want to change the world, some simply want a place to keep track of his own writing.

I start writing blog two years ago. At first I just want to write something everyday to practice my writing skill. Later, I want to capture my thoughts before they are lost forever. Then writing blog become the mean to force myself to think, trying hard to squeeze out the last ounce of creativity. For a while, I saw some bloggers rank high in the blogsphere and wanted to chase after popularity. Although not many people reads it but I still want to do a better job and I gave myself unnecessary pressure. I stopped for a moment and think it over. I should just return to the root of writing blog, just write for fun and express myself. My blog is a projection of my mind. If my writing is kinda messy, so be it, because my mind is also a mess.


If I have learned a single key concept from the project management training that is project management is all about ownership and accountability. You are accountable to make some deliveries in the project, and that may depends on the deliveries that is out side of your control. You have to communicate with all your stakeholders who is accountable for what and hold them accountable for what they promise to delivery. If something is changed, there is always a ripple effect that affect everyone down the line. That is where the dependency chart comes in place and have to communicate well ahead of time to all stakeholders the line of responsibility. The other concept I learned is contingency plan. Contingency is different from padding. Padding is hidden in the schedule or resource allocation but contingency is shown as a separate item in the project plan, it is not meant to be use but allow flexibility to handle risk that may arise in the project. Stating the obvious assumption and constraint in the project plan is also very important, since many obvious thing are not that obvious. Unless you write it down explicitly, people tends to ignore them. Fundamentally, effective communication underwrite all the project planning practice. The instructor told us eventually what determine whether the project will success is not how well is plan, but how good the relationship the people involve in the project. The soft skill is more valuable than the hard skill in project management. Everyone in class agree we need to improve in our communication, we are all engineers who talk to computer more than people after all. In short session about communication, the instructor reinforce the concept I have learned Archibald Putt and Dale Carnegie. The end of communication to archive what you want, but the mean is to talk about what other people want. Effective communication is that your proposition can be summarized in less than 25 words. When making a presentation, left out the details or you asking for unwelcome questions distract the audience from your goal. All idea has fit well in a 15 minutes presentation, which is the amount of time people willing to hear form you before they lost their interest. I think I have learned a lot in this 2 days training, not any new knowledge in particular, but some high level concept that is universally useful.

Project Management Training

I attended an offsite training today at Vancouver Golf Club on project managment.  The course itself is more or less the same old stuff I read from the book “Rapid Development”.  However, the environment is really nice and a tasty lunch is included.  That place is classy golf club that require dress code, no jeans are allowed.  Since we are all engineers who love to jeans, we got kicked out from the place by 4:30p.m, so we won’t disturb the dinner customers.  The material in the course is useful, having an instructor giving presentation is better than reading on your own, and I could always use the review.  This course has lots of workshop sessions with group discussion on work place sceniro.  It turns out everyone complains alot the malfunction in managmennt practice in PMC during the workshop session.  We all understand the value of the project managment principle taught in the class, the problem is that our bosses don’t get the same idea.  Sadly, the instructor agree with us that something is really wrong with the management work flow in PMC.  She told us to follow the project management best practice, but it won’t solve our problem.  In the ideal management world, once you have done your part raising the issues to your manager, you should not be accountable to the project failure.  Here in PMC, the management only look at and reward the result, regardless who suppose to be accountable.  The instructor tried to comfort us saying that PMC has improved quite a bit since she teach this class a few years ago.  If the high up doesn’t see the problem and inititate the change, it is useless to give this kind of project managment course to the people down below.  I wonder is this project managment training really try to teach you something useful or just part of the corporate brain washing scam making the workers more obedience.

Tips and bonus

When you dine out in a restaurant, usually you have to pay tips on top of the amount on the bill. The original intention of paying tips is to reward good service. However, tipping slowly deviated from its original intention and no longer correlate to the service level. Most people just pay the same amount of tips regardless of the service they receive. Tipping becomes a hidden cost not shown on the menu, so the food appears cheaper to the customers. The restaurant owners can pay less to the waiters and the wage is made up by the tips from the customers. The waiters forgot the meaning of tips are really gratitudes, now they take it for granted they will receive tips from customers. Some places even listed the required amount of tips on the menu as service charge and printed it on the bill. The effectiveness of Tips has changed from positive reinforcement to negative reinforce. You no longer get better service for paying tips, instead you will guarantee a bad service next time if you didn’t pay enough tips. In another word, as long as you won’t visit that restaurant again, you don’t have to pay the tips. There are other subjective factors that make people pay tips, such as saving face, politeness or simply don’t want to deal with troublesome waiter in case he ask for tips. There is no objective benefits paying tips to restaurant you never go again. In game theory, this is the difference between one-time games and repeat games.

There is objection to my argument for not paying tips by making an analogy of tips to bonus. Actually, game theory can apply to paying out bonus. Most people think companies pay bonus to its employees to reward good works, but never ask the question why they have to reward good works. The company reward good works because it give incentive for more good works. No company will ever pay bonus to the employees if they are going to be laid off, it is just a waste of money. Although the amount of the bonus each receives is judged by work in the past, but it is really as investment in human capital for the future. In term of bonus, rewarding good work is just a mean, stimulating more good work is the end. When tipping fail to stimulate good service, then there is no need to paying tips.

World Press Photo of the Year

World Press Photo of the Year

This picture is the World Press Photo of the Year 2006, taken by Spencer Platt in Beirut right after the Isreal bombing. According to the commentaries, this photo is great because the complex structure in the photo triggers the reader to think. The youngster in the fancy car in the front seems out of place in the war ruins at the back. I tried hard to think about the meaning of this photo, all I can tell is that there are two cute girls in the car. I guess even in war zones, there is always advantages for beautiful girls who have connections to the rich and powerful. While some people’s lifies are in jeapody for losing their home, some can still enjoy their day cruising in a convertable.

I also checked out the gallery of previous World Press Photo of the Year. The famous 6-4 photo with a guy standing in front of tanks is among the winning photos. Most of the winning pictures have a third world theme, usually images of wars, killing, hungry or poor people. It seems only tragedies can make good news photos. Half of the pictures are in black and white, probably just for stupid artistic reason. This year’s photo is an exception, a welcome change from those unpleasant pictures from previous years.

Men are idiots

This the comments Pat made after hearing my story about today’s Whistler trip. I went to Whistler with 2 other guys and 1 girl today. It was snowing heavy and the wind was really strong. It was all white out on the top of the mountain, so the visibility is quite bad. We were going down hill and there was a section on the run that goes down then goes up. Normally we would speed up and clear the ramp without much trouble. One of my guy friend went first and then he fell down when he was going up. I thought he didn’t have enough speed to clear the up ramp so I went down faster. Bam! I fell down just like him. There has no up ramp, I ran into a snow wall. Then another guy friend saw both of us fell down, he also thought we were not fast enough, so he speed up even more. He ran straight into the snow wall, made a big hole and his skis were flying all over the place. After we fell down, we were expecting the girl will come after us and run into the snow wall as well. She was smart, she didn’t fall for the trap. She saw all of us fell down and took a easier route to ski around that section. Pat said only guys have the “I can do better” mentality and stupid enough to run into the snow wall one after another. When girls see someone fall down, they would think something is wrong and avoid the snow wall on the way.


Confession of Pain 零二年劉偉強﹐麥兆輝兩人合力創造出「無間道」的神話﹐去年他們二人再次聯手出擊﹐拍攝同樣是兩大型男主演的「傷城」。今次依舊是警察為題材﹐依舊有梁朝偉﹐不過劉德華換為金城武。因為在表面上實在有多太相似之處﹐很自然觀眾會把「傷城」與「無間道」作比較。看兩片在香港公映時的票房大慨可以反映高下﹐「無間道」當年有四千萬票房﹐「傷城」只有二千萬﹐很明顯前者比較受歡迎。不過請不要對「傷城」有錯誤的期望﹐不要以為這套電影是另一套「無間道」﹐兩者想表達的內容與說故事的風格有很大差異。要放開「無間道」的包伏﹐才能夠感受到「傷城」獨特的氣質﹐那份帶點悲傷淒美的浪漫。


「傷城」中沒有人要做好人﹐或者其實是根本不覺得自己是壞人。 梁朝偉雖然身為警察﹐但他的童年陰影令他對法律失去信心﹐第一場戲他對強姦殺人犯進行私刑﹐就是自覺在替天行道﹐在法律以外去制裁壞人。他那處心積慮的報仇計劃其實很矛盾﹐他一方面要兇手殺人償命﹐另一方面又不捨得自己的前途。若果他只是爛命一條不怕坐牢﹐要下手對付殺父仇人有很多機會﹐不用故佈疑陣借刀殺人。若他娶仇人之女單單為接近仇人方便下手﹐未免太過少題大造﹐他應該是要仇人比死還難受﹐不過他的殺人手法似乎太便宜了仇人。當他殺人計劃大功告成﹐全世界也相信他製造出來的假真相﹐他大可洗手不再幹下去﹐那就可以大團圓結局。他老婆當年無份殺他全家﹐本是無辜不應受牽連﹐偏偏他自找麻煩要去殺老婆﹐令自己的嫌疑大增引至身份暴露危機﹐與之前要殺人又要銷遙法外的理念不乎。若果他是一個徹底的壞人﹐殺了老婆也心無悔意﹐他大可以高枕無憂承繼大筆遺產去風流快活。反正金城武對正義也不是那麼執著﹐知道他身世可憐想也不會去告發他。梁朝偉謀殺老婆未逐﹐忽然發現自己愛上受重傷的老婆﹐本應是個感人的悲劇﹐不過劇情轉折實在太過牽強﹐變成荒謬滑稽的鬧劇。


BBQ goose

I really miss BBQ goose from HK. Since I moved to Canada, I couldn’t find any restaurant serves BBQ goose. I thought goose is protected birds in Canada, so it is illegal to eat goose and that’s why I couldn’t find BBQ goose anywhere. Today, I tried a new place for lunch in Coquitlam and out of my surprise that restaurant has BBQ goose on their menu. Too bad that they only serve BBQ goose on Friday to Sunday, and you have make reserve one in advance. I made up my mind going back to that place on weekend to try out their BBQ goose. We were discussing the difference between BBQ duck and BBQ goose during lunch. From my memory, BBQ goose is more oily and taste better than BBQ duck, other than that and the size, I really could not tell the difference these two. That restaurant carries the same name as the one in Richmond underneath Superstores on No.3 road. I heard the cook in one restaurant is the teacher of the other, just I don’t who is the teacher and who’s the student. BBQ pork and roast pig from Richmond taste better than the one in Coquitlam, the one I have today is a little bit dry. I am a little bit disappointed that the restaurant does not have sweet sauce for the roast pig. Anyways, this place is much better than our default restaurant. Too bad that it is quite far away and the restaurant only have a few seats, or I will go there for lunch every week.

The Third 蒼之曈的少女

The Third 拿著長劍的少女在日本動畫中是常見的設定﹐以此為題材的動畫數目之多﹐足以獨立歸類為一動畫類別﹐零六年上映二十六話的「蒼之曈的少女 」正好是這類作品。但這套動畫並非一般的長劍少女動畫﹐沒有著校服裝可愛賣萌的女主角﹐只有一個著軍服的男仔頭女主角﹐在動畫中她連裙也沒有著過一次﹐相信令不少長劍少女迷大失所望。這套作品改篇自原野亮的輕小說﹐動功細緻動作場面流暢精彩﹐主題曲「砂上的夢」十分悅耳動聽﹐很有在大漠滄桑流浪的味道。鏡頭運用和配樂也很出色﹐在技術層面這套動畫無懈可擊。故事是暢銷小說改篇應該沒有問題﹐配樂與畫面也是一流水準。不過看完之後﹐總覺得這套動畫差了點什麼。細想才下發現原因是期望與現實出了誤差。初看這套動畫的設定﹐長劍少女加人工智能坦克﹐在世界大戰後沙漠化的大地上流浪﹐心想這套必定是結構宏偉的科幻大作﹐倒頭來發現原來自己看錯劇類﹐大跌眼鏡難免會有點兒失望。不過若能調整好欣賞的心情﹐「蒼之曈的少女 」是一套帶少許刺激﹐但主要是輕鬆感人的溫情小品。


請不要搞錯﹐「蒼之曈的少女 」不是動作亦不是劇場片。雖然有很多揮舞長劍的打鬥﹐也有人形飛行裝甲對決﹐超經典的坦克車決戰反坦克直升機﹐但故事很時候講多過打﹐只是藉著火乃香的經歷去說出一些人生道理。可能是改篇自長出長有的小說的關係﹐幾集組成的一段獨立故事﹐但每段故事沒有太大連接性﹐只是主角相同與配角重覆客串出場。任務完成後一切反回最初點﹐等待下個故事大同小異的開場。雖然故事間中透露沙漠世界或火乃香的秘密﹐但那些資料沒有編織出一條主線﹐甚至火乃香自己對這些秘密也沒有刻意探究﹐大慨只是用作為主角身世的點綴。若每篇故事分開獨立來看﹐倒是不錯的RPG式的故事結構﹐有可觀的打鬥亦有幽默的笑位﹐每個冒險任務最後總帶出一個有意義的訊息。正如所有RPG一樣﹐每個故事間最顯著的分別﹐就是主角的武功日益精進。故事中大部份時間火乃香的戰鬥力循序潮進地提升﹐先獲得人形飛行裝甲不用赤手空拳﹐再開啟第三隻眼看穿敵人的氣﹐用第三集眼的精神力提高攻擊力﹐ 一步步升級也也很合情合理。但最後一集火乃香的威力以幾何級數上升﹐凌空一劍就吹飛全數擊毀三眼族的機械人大軍﹐未免跨張得過份。若出OVA或電影延繼故事﹐火乃香豈不是可以一劍劈開地球﹐變成了超級撒亞人了嗎﹖

The murdered bride

Pat told me this story she watched from TV, and got me interested so I researched a bit more on the internet.  It is a case about an Indian girl murdered by her wealth family for marrying a poor guy in order to preserve the honor of the family.  This kind of things happen in India almost everyday, it should not be news worthy except as a drop of water in the sea of statistics.  The interesting thing about this case is the poor girl is Canadian and her family is living in BC.  The family hire killers in India to murder their own daughter.  The Indian police has pretty good evidence of this murder case, however because of international law, the Canadian police cannot do anything about them.  Instead of going to jail, the murder are simpily walk free.  This case exploit a serious loop hole in our legal system.  It is definitely illegal to hire a Canadian killer to murder someone in Canada.  However, if the murder is take place outside of Canada and the killer is hired there locally, you cannot be convicted.  What a perfect murder!  This case also exploit the failure in Canada’s multi-culturalism policy.  Killing disgracful daughter is acceptable in some Indian culture, which is morally wrong.  Immoral acts should not be tolerated in the name of repsecting cultural or religion difference.  Canada should change its policy from multi-culturalism to meta-culturalism.  Immgrants are only allow to maintian the parts in their culture that is compatiable with the meta-cultural of Canada.  Through education and legistrations, the cultural aspects, such as killing dishonour daughter, carrying knifes around, wearing viel, not eating pork, etc, that are incompatiable with secular liberal world view should be gradually eliminated.