Family value and US election

I just come across some interesting statistic on US presidency candidates and their family value.

John McCain – divorced once, having an affair with the current wife cause the divorce.
Rudy Giuliani – divorced twice, married three times
Mitt Romney – married once, but he is a Mormon, which support polygamy.
Newt Gingrich – divorced once, having an affair with the current wife cause the divorce.
Fred Thompson – divorced once

Hillary Clinton – married once, still marry to Bill Clinton
Barack Obama – married once, no affair (yet)
John Edwards – married once, no affair (yet)

Most people would think the Republican will play the family value card to please their evangelical Christian base of support. However, it seems their candidates are not setting a good examples themselves. On a second thought, maybe those voter who care about family value should vote for the Democrats, at least they are not just paying lip service to family value just to cheat for more votes.

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