soccer, ryan

Today I have my second soccer game, I think I had improved a bit but because of there is no substitution player, I’m very very tried. I got to try being a goalie in the second half too. The next items I’m going to get will be a pair of shorts and goalie gloves.

Ryan who sits next to me and worked with me since the first day I joined PMC is jumping the boat too. I sorta have a feeling he will be the next one, but when I know the news today, I still have a mix feeling. I’m happy that he can escape from PMC, and I truely gave him a congratulation. On the other hand, I feel a bit let down, that we join the company about the some time, and he is now moving ahead of me. Well, can’t deny that he works much harder than I do that our team once joked he is so stress out that he will go postal and start shooting everyone. Anyways, I still wish him good luck in the new startup. Somehow I always remember Dave Culley’s mini lecture on why one should not wish other bad luck. One day I will turn it into my own mini lecture.

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