Party at Jackson’s

Tonight after dinner with Pat, I went to Jackson’s place for the annual X’mas party of friend’s at work. The focus of tonight’s party is definitely the XBox 360. The design of the wireless controller is pretty neat, but I am a bit disappointed at the games. I would expect the graphics output to HDTV would be stunning. It is pretty much the same as what I get from computer games. We spent a lot of time playing foosball. The Jackon’s foosball table is very different from the one at work. The ball moves much faster and the player’s position is a bit different. It require finer ball handling. My foosball practice everyday at work does count. Combination of Me and Louis is unbeatable. I also played pool, and by luck I won 2 out of 3 games. The highlight of the night is poker game with chocolate foundue dessert. I did ok tonight, just lost $4 in total. Now, after having so much fun tonight, I am back home to work on my thesis.

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