I am unpacking my CD collections tonight. I threw away lots of old pirate CDs, as those CDs has no collection value. I have consolidated my CD collection down to approximate 120 CDs, nicely fit in the Ikea Jarna CD case with glass door. To many people’s surprise, I do own original CDs despite my argument for mp3. My CD collection has the following catagories: my collection of Yukie Nishimura, movie soundtracks, anime soundtracks, easy listenings and a few chinese CDs. I got some of the chinese CDs cheap from 2nd hand market when I went back to HK a long time ago. I borrowed from someone three of the chinese CDs but never return. I couldn’t remember whom I borrow the CDs from, probably someone from Appleby. If you happen to know I own you a CD, please email me and I’m glad to return it to you. I actually got out of my mind and bought 5 chinese CDs, 1 Ukuleelee, 1 Tracy So, 1 Leo Koo and 2 Ekin Cheung, none of them except the Ukuleelee are worth the money. Yukie Nishimura is the only artist I am willing to pay for her CD these days. Since I am organizing my collection, I decided to order her latest CDs online to update my collection. I know I could probably download the music online, but it is different from owning the CD and display them as a complete collection.
I like Yukie Nishimura too. I am going back to Hong Kong in a week. If there is any new CD from her that you want, I’d be happy to get it and mail it to you.
Thanks Lenny, I already ordered them online already. Plus last time I went back to HK, I can only find EGG version of Yukie’s CD, couldn’t find the original Japanese version at all.