Today I went to the info session of a new course offered by my company together with a profressor from UBC.? The course is on analog and mix signal design basics.? I have put down those technical things many years.? The info session is held during the staff update.? It is one of the few staff updates I actually find interesting enough for me to go.? I even skip the CEO’s BS staff update from time to time.? More people come to the info session than I thought, I guess we are eagar to have free lessons.? The course is much toughter than I expected.? It requires more than 10 hours every week.? The class is four hours, then the prof. expect us spend 3 hours on the textbook and 3 hours on the assignment.? Then there is one hugh 40 hours project.? The work load is crazy for a non-credit course.? All you get is a useless certificate for completion.? It is essentially a condensed version of a graduate class.? Unless your work is directly related to the analog group, this is not the best investment of your time.? The program is this taking kind of math heavy courses is you will forget most of the stuff if you don’t use it.? I am sure I had learn most of the stuff in my undergrad, but obviously I gave them back to my prof.