Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte's Web 這電影改篇自E.B.White的經典童話故事﹐有趣緻可愛的動物明星﹐也有一個感人勵志的故事﹐是套很適合一家大小觀看。故事是講述一隻在春天出生的小豬Wilbur﹐他沒有看見冬天下雪的機會﹐因為他將會成為聖誕大餐的主菜。他農場中遇上蜘蛛Charlotte ﹐他們成為好朋友亦救了她一命﹐她答應會想辨法讓小豬逃過被屠宰的命運。在農場的一眾動物幫忙下﹐Charlotte用她的蛛蛛網織出奇蹟﹐讓小豬贏得農夫節的動物比賽﹐不用變成豬肉香腸烤豬排﹐可以做負責傳宗接代的種豬公。

這套電影的主要觀眾對象小孩子﹐ 拍攝技巧電腦特技以至演員也不能有太高要求﹐各方面的水準也不過不失。戲中加插一些原著沒有的角色﹐例如負責搞笑的烏鴉兄弟﹐有點兒影響影片的連貫性。不過由於原著篇幅太短﹐若不加插幾段過場劇情﹐恐怕沒有足夠長度﹐所以多出來幾場戲情有可原。在看這套電影時﹐不期然把它和另一套也是小豬當主角的Babe比較。我個人就喜歡Babe的故事多點。Baba能夠逃過變豬排的命運﹐是因為他有牧羊的技能﹐可以幫助農夫為農場作出供獻。Wilbur可以活著見到下雪﹐他自己所作的努力不多﹐全憑Charlotte和小女孩Fern的幫助。 故事說小豬僅有的供獻﹐是改變了農場的眾動物﹐令牠們學會融洽相處讓農場充滿生氣。不過導演乎似功力不夠﹐拍不出小豬來農場前後的改變。


3 thoughts on “Charlotte’s Web”

  1. aiya… i don’t get what you said about the relationship between animal and human being at the end – feels like to me there is an electrically burnt fuse in this logical flow of thought~

    haha, in any case, animal can definitely be part of human family, ie. pets.

    mother nature is a very good teacher: she will make us understand why each life on earth would need to be treasured.

  2. every people have their own pt of view. these kind of question just depends on wt expeniences people had. no ended arguement~

    for me, i don’t have a pet. so, i don’t have too much emotion on animals.

    many people think that there is different level among animals. thus, dogs and cats are banned to be eaten but cows, pig, duck, etc not.

    but i think that life is not different. we are just the same. everythings just depends on the ability.

    we, human, think we are the most precious life in the world. just becoz of our abilities are over the others. so we have the right to divide the animals into different level with our preferences.

    we love dogs and cats. and so, they should be protected. in tranditional, pigs are not our love and they are our food.

    however, in china, many people eats dogs! they don’t think that dogs are our fds. maybe many years later, people will think that pigs are our fds and we should not eat them!

  3. Ha ha… I know my “animal has no right” philosophy is not very popular among girls.

    Actually I don’t think there are any different levels among animals. We should be allow to eat any animal we like, just like in the animal world.

    Until the day science make meat grow from trees, we will still treat animal as our food source. (actually, this day may not be far away)

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