I proudly present the new face of my blog. I have been developing this wordpress theme for the past two weeks, experimenting with AJAX and PHP. The new layout greatly improved the aesthetic and function of my blog. On every page, I added a drop down menu and a left side bar with widgets on recent posts, and comments for easier navigation. On the front page, I added more information about my blog on the right side bar. This theme is not yet complete and the rennovation of my site is only half done. Here is the short term and long term to-do list for my blog.
Short Term:
- Package the theme for download and create a documentation page for the theme. I still have to figure out where to submit theme.
- Add a profile box on the front page with brief introduction of myself
- Write the page about myself
- Write the page explain the meaning of “Philosophy’s Camp” and some background history of horace.org
- Add comment sections for pages.
Long Term:
- Rework the CSS style sheet, consolidate the style elements. My current style sheet is based on the wordpress default theme, so it still contains with many useless elements.
- Add post preview on the search result page, category and archieve index page.
- Think about what to put in the place of the right side bar in single post page.
- Use collapsable tree for the page widget and archive widget
- Make the theme true AJAX compliant, only refresh the updated portion of page instead of refreshing the whole page
- Add a database to display quotes from my favour philosophers.
Feel free to leave me comments to let me know your opinion on the new design. Tell me what new features you would like to see and what current feature is hard to use. I will incoporate the suggestion in the next release.