
Queens Pier



在政府的重置方案計劃書中﹐ 政府列出不同保留皇后碼頭方案的成本﹐明顯地重置方案是最乎合成本效益﹐亦同時在歷史價值與成本上取得很好的平衡。香港大部份市民和主流傳媒也接納那些數字﹐可是反清拆者死不認輸﹐控訴政府跨大數字來誤導民意﹐要求政府公開內部的估價資料。其實那些估價資料也不是什麼機密文件﹐反對者大可以申請查閱﹐不過我很懷疑他們看不看得懂。跟據以往政府填海工程的開支﹐在重置方案計劃書的數目是可信的。若反對者還是認為有問題﹐大可以委託獨立工程顧問作估價﹐再題出合理的數據。而不是像現在那樣﹐只要政府的計劃不合他們心意﹐就放開嗓子說政府不公。要指控政府跨大成本﹐也至少要告訴市民大約跨大了多少吧。全世界政府的大部份工程預算﹐只會有超支不會有盈餘﹐我倒懷疑目前計劃書中的數目﹐最後夠不夠錢來埋單找數。

皇后碼頭有歷史價值這點是不容置異的﹐ 但是否必須要原地保留才可以保存其歷史價值呢﹖正當反清拆者高呼要政府公開各方案的詳細工程成本﹐去讓市民衡量付出的成本是否值得時。反清拆也該做點功課﹐研究一下各方案對皇后碼頭歷史價值的影響﹐讓市民可以衡量取回的價值是否成正比。現在的重置方案絕對物有所價﹐既能保留皇后碼頭的原貌﹐新址與原址又相距不遠﹐還有涼亭的實際功用。若果原地保留可以保存所有歷史價值﹐完全清拆一件不留則歷史價值灰飛煙滅﹐那覓地重置的歷史價值應該介乎兩者之間吧。反清拆者﹐請告訴市民重置方案會令皇后碼頭損失多少百份比的歷史價值﹐總不是重置與完全清拆沒有分別吧。還有請公開計算歷史價值損失的詳細資料﹐不要甪虛無瓢渺的後現代詞語去跨大損失﹐不然反清拆者與政府也只是一丘之貉﹐為著自己的議題去誤導市民。


4 thoughts on “皇后碼頭的共識﹖”

  1. Wherever there’s a re-development in Hong Kong, hevangel always believe those local resistance is an obstacle. In hevangel’s idea, those local resistances should give way to the new project or do more researches to provide evidences to support their view.

    How lucky we are as residents of downunder New Zealand (not Australia). Any development in New Zealand need to summit to the members of the public. Locals, in many cases, have the power to overture developments forcing developers to downsize the project. New Zealand is more democratic in this kind of issues and local voices are more respected. On the downside, such policy makes developers’ job harder to do. It also makes New Zealand cities are so “countryside” and ‘under develop” because the locals always object big developments and big buildings. However, many old buildings are able to stay intact at the same location, also NZ’s world famous natural environment.

    Hevangel seems to have no mercy to those locals and do not understand their emotions that are attached to those sites. Underclass locals may not have to same level of education. They are not ready to argue, present their view logically and academically. Don’t hevangel sees those developers and government are kind of bullies to the locals? Does “economics benefit” is the good reason to hijack or override local opinions? I do not mean we should ignore economics but should there be a better balance between them?

  2. In general, I like new things, so do most HK people.

    In this case, it is quite different from other redevelopment project that locals got pushed out without reasonable compensation. The government does not bully anyone since the place is a government properties to begin with. The opponents are the social lefties background with more than enough academic arguments to support their local-culture ideology. The opinion of majority HK people are quite pragmatic and opt for the redevelopment. It is the “historical value” of the lefties hijack and override the local opinions.

  3. i am afraid i can’t agree with you.
    i don’t think that queen pier has any historical value and most of the hong kong people don’t have much emotion to it. it’s okay to dismantle it.
    however, and i am even disagree that u say resettling queen pier is a method more. the only value of queen pier is as a logo of old hong kong. but if it resettle, it’s meaningless!

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