





10 thoughts on “我的2009年終報告”

  1. 你百足甘多爪,還有時間看二十二本書,好野。




    1. 最大問題都係冇時間。平時要返工返學去玩﹐只餘下空檔寫文章﹐由構思論點到落筆﹐至少要拖一兩個星期﹐乜鬼時機都過晒。不過我倒不怕論點重覆﹐我的想法太過另類﹐其他人很少會這樣思考。



  2. You are quite right on this “我的想法太過另類﹐其他人很少會這樣思考” as I often noticed your 另類想法 even though I quite often totally disagree with your views and analysis. 🙂

    I counted you have listed nine 反 and only one 支持. It looks extreme to me but then this is like you.

    Part of me knows it is easy to find disagreement, the trick is to find something to agree with or to find common grounds in a widely array of different knowledge. Something like that.

    1. Actually, I believe in enlightenment ideas of rationality and objective truth. I think people disagree simply because they make different assumption about facts they know. If we keep dialectic inquiry to the very fundamentals, then deduce backward from first principle, everyone should agree on everything. At the end of the day, either I convert others, I am converted by others or we both discover something new in the process.

  3. 我見到反環保有括號﹝過份﹞,但其他就無,例如反藝術、反女權等,莫非你認為藝術和女權是一文不值,不論是否扮野﹝藝術﹞或過火﹝女權﹞,都要反?

    1. Not exactly. Maybe I should say 文化相對主義。 I believe there exists an ultimate culture that is simply the best culture for everyone. Of course the ultimate culture allow some derivation to accommodate external factors and personal preference to a certain degree. 多元文化 can lives happily under the umbrella of the ultimate culture. e.g. Chinese, Japanese, European cultural are difference but they are fundamentally compatible.

      I think the mainstream western cultural and Chinese culture are working towards this ultimate culture, we are approaching from different direction but we are not quite there yet. However there are some cultural are walking the opposite way, such as Middle-East Muslim cultural, left-wing socialist cultural. There are simply some culture better than other cultural in absolute sense. What I really against is some try to excuse the inferior way of life as merely cultural difference.

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