Tag Archives: asic

Formal Verification – Erik Seligman, Tom Schubert

這篇不是書評,這本書亦不是一般自學程式設計的電腦書,是一本涉及非常專門的知識,只有設計晶片才會用得上的技術課本。非行內人完全看不明白,這篇只是我學習formal verification(形式化驗證)的心得和筆記,所以我亦不期望有什麼讀者。

什麼是Formal Verification?首先要講什麼是dynamic verification,設計晶片不同寫程式,寫程式有bug很簡單,除錯出patch沒有什麼大不了。晶片有bug就很大件事,因為要更正問題,就要重新tape-out多一次,去做一個全新的mask。可以想像製造晶片好印黑膠碟,先要整有一張母碟,然後才可以覆印,mask就是silicon的母碟。傳統上測式晶片設件主力用simulation(即dynamic verification),要花很多人力物力寫個testbench出來,然後模疑晶片所有的input同output。這是一個非常嚴格的工序,因為一個bug也不可以走漏。晶片出了街之後,fix一個bug的成本是幾百萬美元。寫testbench同寫普通software沒有太大分別,只不過測試硬件比測試軟件嚴格很多。Formal Verification則是用另一個方法去測試硬件,不用寫code,寫formal specification,再用數學邏輯理論,去證明硬件的設件必定等於那個specification。完全不同的思考方法,完全不同的用途。Formal Verification可以測試出simulation找不出來的bug,始終simulation並不是exhaustive,不過formal有很多限制,設計不能太大不能太深,始終formal proof係一個NP-complete problem。

多年來formal一直只是學術研究,真正的商業應用,大約五六年前才開始。早期的formal tool非常難用,常常被戲說要博士才懂用,很多designer聽見便敬而遠之。直至JasperGold的推出,formal才開始普及化,這些年來JasperGold手執牛耳,一枝獨秀差不多等同於formal的代名詞。早兩年我也嘗試過學formal,不過當年JasperGold的license太貴,我們細公司買不起,只好用了一個很差很難用的IFV,結果學師未成不了了之。去年我公司被一個大公司收購了,economy of scale讓我們有多好多tools用,今個project終於有機會用到JasperGold,同IFV相比簡直是天堂和地獄,「工欲善其善,必先利其器」,其實formal一點也不難,我花了兩星期便滿師,可以學懂簡單的formal specify,去proof我個design不會有dead lock。如果要用simulation作同樣測試,因為太多corner cases,是一件非常痛苦的差事。現在用formal去做,幾行code寫完,是一件很好玩的玩意。

我一直都有follow開formal的paper和tutorial,雖然沒有實戰經驗但formal理論大至明白,用新tool不過是學syntax,很快上手。我公司的formal expert介紹我看這本《Formal Verification》課本,這本書是三位Intel工程師編寫的,由淺入深講解很有系統地如何應用formal verification,真正的hard-core技術含量不多(技術東西可以自已看document),反而更像是過來人分享心得和經驗。這本書九成是老生常談,平時睇tutorial睇paper都學過聽過,不過餘下的一成非常有用,讓我茅塞頓開,很多看已paper不明白人家為什麼一定要這樣做的地方,經他一解釋完全明白,一理通,百理明。這本書可以說是我formal的啟蒙老師,任何一個初學formal者必定要看。市面上formal的textbook一隻手數得完,因為formal是太專門的技術,譎想想學就要交很貴學費請consultant去教,不過我認為這本書比consultant教得更好,因為作者有真正的實戰經歷,不似consultant般大多紙上談兵。


  1. cover和assert是同一塊鏡子的兩面。同一個property,cover就是not左個property的assert的counter example。assert就係not左個cover既unreachable proof
  2. Formal engine係一個breath-first咁去行所有的state space。assume同assert就係cut細個state space,cut走左illegal state,如果行到去specification果個state,咪就proof度囉。
  3. 一開波不要立即寫full proof,先由cover開始玩。唔用assume,剩係寫你想睇乜output,睇下formal engine可不可以back trace你想要的input,然後再慢慢fine-tune那些assume
  4. 用cover整好晒assume,就可以上去bug hunting,專心搵assert的counter example,最後才整full proof。用之前兩個steps的assume
  5. 唔好load太多code,太多assert同cover,要divide and conquer。有些tricks可以用,如cutpoint,abstraction,free variable等等

IP Integration : What is the difference between stitching and weaving?

I should write a article on: What is the difference between reusing and salvaging…

by David Murray, 12/15/2010, Design and Reuse

As a hardware design engineer, I was never comfortable when someone talked about IP integration as ‘stitching a chip together’. First of all, it sounded like a painful process involving sharp needles, usually preceded by a painful accident. I happened to be the recipient of said stitches when, at 8 years of age, I contested a stairs post with my forehead, and sorely lost. I have to say, luckily, I have been quite adept at avoiding the needle and thread ever since. That was of course until once when, an hour before that important customer presentation, my top-shirt button, due to an over enthusiastic yawn, pinged across my hotel room floor like a nano-UFO. A panicked retrieval of the renegade button was followed quickly with a successful hunt for an elusive emergency sewing-kit. The crisis quickly dissipated as I stitched back the button in a random-but-directed type of methodology. Needle-less to say stitching, whilst sometimes necessary, makes me uncomfortable.

Stitching, according to Wikipedia, is “.. the fastening of cloth, leather, furs, bark, or other flexible materials, using needle and thread. Its use is nearly universal among human populations and dates back to Paleolithic times (30,000 BCE).” It also states that stitching predates the weaving of cloth. So, 32,000 years later, in these hi-tech times we are still stitching things together. It’s not fur this time, but ‘ports’. Stitching a chip together involves connecting ports together with wires. (Note the terminology also where, if you don’t use certain ports you ’tie’ them off).

Weaving is a different game altogether. One definition simplifies weaving as ‘creating fabric’. Thus a key differentiator between stitching and weaving is that stitching may refer to fixing/mending things whilst weaving is used to create. Stitching is an emergency, an ah-hoc approach (please refer to my stitched button above) whilst weaving is more structured, more planned. Stitching invokes the image of being bent over, eyes squinted, immersed in the tiniest of detail. Weaving is more graceful and productive. In IC design flow terms, I equate stitching with scripting. It is task that is useful to join pieces of the flow together. Weaving creates something. It transforms thread to cloth, and therefore equates more to synthesis. Weaving is a process.

So when it came to developing and naming a tool used to effectively integrate IP and create a chip hierarchy, in a structured manner, we didn’t consider consider ‘STITCHER’ – It had to be ‘WEAVER’.

Stitching is important to fix things, and is necessary in emergency situations, however it has its limitations and as if used as a core creation process, it may come undone. So as I ranted on during that vital presentation, as I got to the cusp of the value-add, I curbed my enthusiasm, keep it slightly in check just in case those button stitches came undone and resulted in a serious eye injury of an altogether innocent customer. What then, of those poor stitched chips? What if those threads start to unravel and your chip integration is running very late. You may have to resort to different type of Weaving, when dealing with your management, customers or partners.