Tag Archives: firearm

General Gosgrove’s interview

I read this funny joke on the bulletin board at the shooting range today.  Major General Peter Cosgrove is the chief of the  Australian Defence Forace from 2002 to 2005.

General Cosgrove was interviewed on the radio recently. You’ll love his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children.  Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you gotta love this! This is one of the best comeback lines of all time.  It is a portion of an ABC interview between a female broadcaster and General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military headquarters.

So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?

We’re going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.

Shooting! That’s a bit irresponsible, isn’t it?

I don’t see why, they’ll be properly supervised on the rifle range.

Don’t you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

I don’t see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.

But you’re equipping them to become violent killers.

Well, Ma’am, you’re equipped to be a prostitute, but you’re not one, are you?

The radio went silent and the interview ended.

Liger belt

Liger belt

I have been wearing the same belt for 13 years.  I bought the belt in the university bookstore in my first year.  It has made of leather and has a small university logo at the end.  Over all these years, the belt witness my growth in waist size.  I am slowly moving from one the belt hole to another closer to the end.  The belt is surprisingly durable and still survive as one piece under my daily abuse.   Although it is pretty much out of shape, the lining in many places are coming out and the leather surface lost of its texture.  The belt is way past its life cycle but I don’t want to throw it away because a belt is very personal item like your wallet.  I use the same belt everyday and I don’t know what belt should I get as replacement, so I keep just using it.  Finally I made up my mind and buy myself a new belt.

My new belt is a Liger belt made by Maxpedition.  It is literally the king of all belts.  It is the strongest belt you can ever found.  The belt can take over 2000 lbs of tensile strength and 300 lbs of hole pull strength.  The belt is made of composite fiber material that looks like leather.  The bucket belt including the hook is cast in one piece using aircraft aluminum.  The belt is so strong that it will never get out of shape and yet it is still flexible enough to wear comfortably.  Cleaning the belt is very easy since the material is abrasion resistant, you can just rinse it in soap and water and let it dry.  It is a perfect match for my 511 tactical pants.  The belt is so low profile that I think it may even goes well with a suit.

If I change my belt every 13 years, the next time I will buy a new belt will be in 2021.  I have confidence in my Liger belt can last until then or even longer.  The belt is pretty much indestructible.  Maybe it is the last belt I ever have to buy.

DVC Indoor Range


What is the photo? Toilet? No! It’s DVC Indoor Range, probably the best shooting facility in greater Vancouver. It opened almost half year ago. Out of many reasons, I couldn’t try the range until today. One of the reason is price. When it first open, it was very expensive. $65 for a lane including a rental gun and a box of ammo. Later they introduce the $30 day pass if you bring your own gun. However the price is still over my comfort zone. The range I usually practice at only cost $5 per night. Recently they start special promotion, two for one Wednesday. What a good deal! So me and my shooting buddy decided to try it out tonight.

The shooting range is very close to work, only 15 minutes drives away. The range is housed in a modified warehouse with reinforce steel walls to keep the bullets safe. The building is air conditioned, so the temperature is kept in a comfortable 20 degree. It has 13 lanes. When we were there, the range is empty. We have pretty much a private shooting session in the first hour. The best of all the perks is the auto target return system. You don’t have to wait for everyone finish their shooting and the range office puts on the green light before you can check your target. You can bring the target sheet back to you at the ease of pressing a button. Not more interruptions to halt your fire while waiting for the green light. It is so convenient.

I think I will split my shooting practice between this range and my usual range. The facility in this range is far superior than the other range. However, I will miss the friendly atmosphere in the other range. It is inconvenient to halt your fire every 15 minutes, yet it gives you the time to socialize with your fellow shooters. The new range not only looks like a toilet, the atmosphere actually feels like a toilet. Everyone occupy one stall and busy doing their own business. People are isolated in their personal space with no communication with each other.  The old fashion shooting range maybe less efficient, but it is nice to feel the presence of a community.

DVC Indoor Range

It’s heavy

Target sheet

I stayed in India for two months, I didn’t practice my shooting for two months. Today when I go the range again, I found my skill is really rusty. My rifle seems a lot heavier than its weight in my memory. My arm is sored and tried after only one box of ammos. I am struggling to hold the rifle stable to line up the sight with the target. I can see the cross hair wobbling left and right, up and down in my scope. When I am lucky to line up the sight, my trigger finger is way too jerky and pull the rifle off the target. Needless to say, my accuracy is much worse than when I was performing at my peak.

I guess shooting is like playing any other sports, you have to keep practicing to stay fit. I know I still have the muscle memory. I can tell when I do everythings right. It is just my physically weakness prevent me from doing the right thing. I guess more practice is the only way to regain my marksmanship.

Here is an explanation about the photo. If I am in condition, 9 out of the 10 rounds should stay within the 8 ring. Tonight, the holes are all over the place. Sigh!

Laetitia Daguenel

I am never a fan of any sport super stars. I don’t understand why anyone crazy about some strangers playing sport somewhere far away. What is the fun of watching other people play sports on TV? Isn’t it much more fun to play the game yourself? Why would people waste time, energy and money to follow sport stars? Finally I may have a glimpse into the mind of sport fans because I think I have became a fan of Laetitia Daguenel. Laetitia Daguenel is born in France, 18 years old and she is the IPSC world champion. Here is a video of her on youtube.