I want my ash become a diamond, but I am still more fascinated by the idea of ash hour glass
Tag Archives: funeral
Pope’s funeral
Today’s news coverage devoted a large section to Pope’s funderal. I don’t have CNN on cable and I was not really interested, so I didn’t watch it last night. Apparently, it’s a big social gathering for all the leaders of the nataions. Taiwan had made quite a process this time, as the president finally able to shake hands and talk to the leaders of other world powers. Shame on Chinese government refuse to send official representative because of the presents of Taiwan’s president. I feel kinda sorry for Prince Charles, because of the sudden death of the Pope, he has to move his wedding. No wonder people says wedding is planned but funeral just happens.
Tonight, I got dragged to a memorial service of the Pope at St. Mary. I managed to fall asleep while kneeing down during the eucharist adopration. My theory is that between half sleep and half awake is the best state to communicate with God. I feel I had gain more from the inspiration in my dreams than the boring talks from the speakers. Moreover when one is asleep, he is still listening subconciously, the message may sinks in even better. Why can’t the self-claim religious show some respect and let us sleep peacefully in church, as long as we don’t snore? Why people has to pray and worship God using nothing else but a standard template? If God havn’t say anything against sleeping in church, others people please stop making judgements on our way of worship.