圍棋的棋局的變化比國際象棋更為複雜反覆。在國際象棋中﹐電腦已經能夠和最頂尖的大師一較高下﹐但在圍棋中﹐電腦只能夠達到在業餘級的水平﹐和職業棋手還有一大段距離。圍棋的矩則很簡單﹐只有兩個基本的下子限制。大慨越簡單變化就越大﹐電腦就越難以強行攻擊(brute force attack)去取勝。
Interesting piece. While I sucked at “圍棋” but I had lots of fun playing it for many years when I was in high school.
If my memory serves me, I was “brave” enough to enter the first ever “香港圍棋協會”公開賽 when most people didn’t have ranks yet. As my luck had it, I ended up competing against a guy that was a 三段! And of course, I got beaten the sh*t out by him. 🙂 But he was quite nice and tried to teach me a few things after we finished our game before his other matches.
Have fun with 圍棋.
P.S. Strictly speaking, “大慨越簡單變化就越大﹐電腦就越難以強行攻擊(brute force attack)去取勝。” is wrong.
The rules might be simple but it is the extraordinary complexity the game evolve (you keep adding more and more and more stones onto the board and the possibilities exploding exponentially) that makes it a tough game for current computer systems to handle it well.
In chess, pieces are removed as the game progress, thus reducing its complexity and possibilities.
Just my 2 cents and I am often wrong.
Wow. You are brave. I only play “Go” with my friend who are as suck as me.
Ar, the challenge to of computer playing “Go” is the shear size of the board. 2 to the power of 19×19 is a astronomical number. Chess rules limit how a piece can move, so it reduce the problem space. In Chess, the computer thinks in term of pieces, in Go the computer thinks in term of empty space. Computer is playing well in end game, because there ain’t much empty space left in the board, the problem space is limited. Computer is good at open game, because it’s pretty much memory of 定石. It is the middle game computer really struggling.
Ha ha, I had no idea my luck would got me a 三段 to play against. I think 金庸 was very into Go at the time and he was the honorary chairman of the club or something.
I don’t know how S/W programmer design the “brain” (straight logic? neuronet ? etc) for Go program these days but I remember the early generation was so bad that the program try to “rescue” a tiny sure lost situation and messed up the whole board instead and locked itself to a sure-lost game!
By the way, you can play against other human opponents online and that might be a lot of fun.
Yeah, 金庸 must be really into Go, otherwise he couldn’t write the Go games in 天龍八部
There are open source Go program available on the net, you can download it and see how it works.
I tried Panda net for a while, but it’s too time consuming to play Go, it takes a long time to finish a game.