I have been planning renovating horace.org for a long time, but I never have time to carry out the project. Since I moved to the new hosting service, I have been using the stocked blogging software, which lacks certain features I like to have. My plan is to rebuilt my website using the wordpress infrastructure. I am going to implement the changes bit by bit over the following months, so it would affect the daily operation of my website.
The goal is to make my website more reader friendly and eye ball attractive. I want to attract more visitors come to my blog, so my articles will have more readers. In the internet, everyone can have 15 minutes of fame, I hope I can grasp my 15 minutes becoming on of the ranked blog in HK. Well, of course I will also have to improve my writing and find a niche market for my articles. For now, I will first focus on the technical aspect of the website.
The interface of my blog will include the following changes:
– Include a custom made artistic header on the top
– Using 3 column formats
– List of recent articles
– List of recent comments
– Index of articles sorted by categories
– Drop down menus for categories, about and library pages
– Plug-in to cross post blog entries to other blogging websites.
– Statistics
– Museum for horace.org version 1 to 3
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