I just renew my pledge of monthly donation to Project Advance of the Archdiocese of Vancouver. I rarely give money to church or religious institutes. Project Advance is an exemption, which I keep donating money every year.
I refuse to pay for the Sunday donation that usually go to the operating cost of the church. One would say it is fair to donate since you use the church and you should share the cost of running the church. However, I don’t go church out of my free will. Going to church every week just a sentence prescribe to all Christians in the Bible. I would prefer not going to church and help cut down the cost. It is unfair to ask a prisoner pay for his expenses in the prison, so it is unfair ask me to donate to the church’s expense. I will let those who enjoy going to church pay for the bills in exchange for the happiness they get from the church. In fact if happiness and donation is proportional, I think the church should reimburse me.
On the other hand, money goes to the Project Advance is used meaningfully. It helps finance the youth program, catechism class for special need people, running various Catholic charity, schools and building new churches. In short, Project Advance is a brand building project for the Catholic Church. I belongs to the Catholic Church and I choose to be a Catholic, or least I choose to still being one. The image of the Church is directly related to the satisfaction I gain from my Catholic identity. Therefore, I feel obligated to share my duty in growing the Church.