I am elected the VP of education of the Toastmaster club at work. The role of VP education is to help the club member become a better speaker. Although I am half way through the advance speaker bronze program, I don’t think I can make particularly good speeches comparing to the native speakers. I am not very convincing to teach others how to deliver a good speech. Anyways, if I am just comparing to myself, I can see the progress I have made over time.
One of the responsibilities of VP education is to give presentations to the club members on how to give better speech or make the club better. The Toastmaster has lots of resources to help my role. The education series manuals are prepared speeches with slides ready to use. Today, I just inherit a box full of education materials from the previous club president. I volunteer myself to give the first education session, hoping that it will inspire other executive to step in for later sessions. I quickly went through the stuffs and picked a manual for next month’s education session. Maybe I couldn’t do everything right that is outlined in the manual when I am giving a speech. I strongly believe in the best way to learn is to teach. By giving a presentation, the points will engrave deeper into my mind and help me become a better speaker subconsciously.