I love seafood, especially fish and scallops. I love eating seafood today and I want to eat seafood 20 years from now. That’s why we should eat responsibly by only purchaing sustainable fisheries. Many seafood species are on the verge of extinction due to over harvesting. It is important to maintain the fish stock in the ocean or our food chain will collapse eventually.
Seachoice.org is an excellent website that educate the fish lovers to eat smart. It sorts seafood species into 3 categories: green being harvesting with sustainability, feel free to eat; yellow being with some concern, don’t eat to much; and red being in the danger of extinction, should be avoid until the population recover. They have pocket size seachoice card, so you know want to order when you visit a seafood restaurant next year. Seachoice is not those sissy animal rights saying killing fish is wrong. Seachoice is for the benefit of mankind, so that our future generation can still enjoy eating fish. Therefore, all seafood lovers should support seachoice.
I also love eating sea food A LOT!!!
Never think about this issue before. I like to eat shrimp, mussel and oyster. I guess there should be plenty of them in the ocean.
According to Seachoice, it depends where your mussel and oyster is harvested, some of them are endanger speices.
Did you pick up the wallet card from Tea Pub? I should’ve distributed it earlier. I didn’t even expect your supporting it. Glad that you are helping to protect seafood.
I love eating seafood too! I prefer seafood to meat~
Yeap. I got the card from Jenny.
Just wondering, why would you think I won’t support Seachoice?
hmm.. somehow i rarely find your supporting things for social goodness. you seem to support your personal immediate pleasure more lor. say you like salmon, i never thought you would care whether the population of pacific wild salmon is diminishing as long as it doesn’t go extinct soon.
I do support social goodness. It is just that my standard of social goodness is much higher than others, so there ain’t many things out there for me to support.
BTW, do you know that the field of my study in philosophy is ethics and social justice?