



8 thoughts on “防止野人慘劇重演﹐請給警察合適的裝備”

  1. Horace,

    I am surprised you suggest “電擊槍” (Taser). I am sure you are aware of the testing by CBC of Taser’s unsafe quality and the inquiry to Dziekanski’s death.

    Taser is not the way to go.


    As a proud Canadian, I am ashame of what RCMP officer Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson and his colleagues did. Every time I heard that news and news report of the inquiry, I feel ashame of being a Canadian.

    As such, any recommendation of Taser is ill-advised and, put it bluntly, irresponsible, especially from us Canadians, who SHOULD have known better.

  2. I am skeptical about this claim.

    This is the current hot news happening:

    For the safety of citizens, police protects us but who is here to judge what is right or wrong to use?

    Even the police can sometimes be too dominant in these situations. When they do not know how to handle the situation, they tend to go with the ‘hard’ way before they want to risk their lives and claim this as an accident.

    In Nepal, there are people always live in the forest or on the streets. There is no shelter in helping him due to language barrier. What a shame for the person to be killed — just because he/she landed in a wrong country.

    – wife

  3. kempton: I wrote an entry on the YVR incident. You can check it out here. The problem is not taser per se, it’s the police didn’t follow the procedure after Robinson is tasered.

  4. 假設香港警察都佩戴 Taser,又是否在使用前,要先對疑犯作出宣佈:「只要保持身體放鬆﹐乖乖就擒不作無謂爭扎﹐…….。若果疑犯被電擊時激烈爭扎反抗﹐導致身體機能關閉而失去性命﹐疑犯對自己的死亡也要負上一半的責任﹐不能把錯誤完全歸咎警方。」



    Taser 也不是 non-lethal weapon…現時已有 400 人因而喪命。

    從新聞重播,我認為 Vancouver RCMP 曾使用不必要及過份武力,如果死者是 minority,discrimination 之聲肯定不絕於耳。其實,很多時執法者的 arrogant character 更可怕。

  5. David: Taser的殺傷力始終比手槍低。不可能百份百保證不殺﹐警棍都可以卜死人喇。樣樣都驚警察綁手綁腳點做野。只要警察不是濫用權力﹐發生意外也沒有辨法。



  6. “Taser的殺傷力始終比手槍低。不可能百份百保證不殺”

    True. Had you drank too much water, you will answer a close call.


    Left wing of Canada says: wrong. We have to put more $ in social security net – teach them more … this… that..

    I say: Agreed, but politically incorrect……

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