生活隨筆 情詩乙首 July 14, 2009 hevangel 5 Comments 塵世何處覓知音 馬不停蹄尋佳人 可愛伊人近咫尺 姻緣天賜定終生 這首詩每句的第一個字組合成我老婆的名字﹐原本寫來備準結婚當日接新娘用﹐可惜玩新郎環節玩印度主題﹐這首詩沒有機會用。可惜﹐可惜。 FacebookTwitterRedditTumblrLinkedInMoreEmailPinterestPocket Related
hey… you never told me… gotta save it for the first wedding anniversary, bud’! (gotta be more romantic!!!!!) 可惜﹐可惜。 =) Reply
hey… you never told me…
gotta save it for the first wedding anniversary, bud’!
(gotta be more romantic!!!!!)
哈~ 期待你的大作。
very sweet. 🙂
Yeap. my wife said is the most romantic thing I have ever done.