The world according to Hong Kong people


This world map suppose to be making fun of the shallow mind of Hong Kong people. However, I am quite proud of our geography knowledge. Comparing to the stupid Americans who can’t even point out their own country in the map. At least we can name the relative location of all seven continents on Earth. We also know more or less some accurate information about those places. It may be stereotyped, but that’s the best you can do if you are asked to introduce those places within one line. There are still some places we are unable to name. But hey, we don’t travel there, we don’t buy stuff from there, we don’t export our goods there, who cares about those irreverent countries?

9 thoughts on “The world according to Hong Kong people”

  1. 香港人以為土耳其、黎巴嫩等國是「一堆很有情調的小國」?印尼會完全無影?不是吧……

    還有就是,他們漏了代表藍罐曲奇的丹麥 🙂

    1. 很有情調的小國﹐是指希臘和愛琴海那堆南歐小國吧。

  2. well~ 「一堆很有情調的小國」仲有北非一堆國家, 北非碟影嘛~

  3. >> … we don’t travel there, we don’t buy stuff from there, we don’t export our goods there, who cares about those irreverent countries?

    I would submit that your arguments seem to hold water until the last part above, which is exactly what many “stupid Americans” (as you call them) would have said. In fact, many of our more conservative neighbours really think the US does not need Canada (a major supplier of energy and key trade partner), China (world factory & owner of US debt), European countries (they were/are against US policies on Iraq, climate change, etc but are key NATO players nonetheless), and other countries around the world (voting members of UN, APEC, ASEAN, OECD, OSA, etc).

    Let’s rise above the stereotyped, ethnocentric view of the world and focus more on the professionals’ opinions on diplomacy, international affairs and foreign policies.

    * Canadian DFAIT:

    (NOTE: Please be reassured I have the utmost respect for your opinion, even tho I might have a slightly different view on the subject matter.)

    1. We need most of the countries, either as our factory, farmland, market or natural resources. However there are still some countries living outside of world trade, other than being exotic tourist destinations those countries don’t interact with the rest of the world. When’s the last time you heard of anything to do with Benin or Djibouti?

  4. a bit exaggerated, but then again.. same is true for any other people from any other country they have a map of their own view..

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