The Hex code of this color is #890604. Twenty years ago in Tiananmen Square, a group of students painted the place this color with their blood. Please join the remember this day event in Facebook.
Tag Archives: facebook
Plane Crazy
Recently, I am addicted to this silly facebook application, which is quite not myself. In general I keep my distance from uselss facebook applications. I naturally ignore most of the application request and actually spent time delete all the useless applications from my profile. Somehow this application had a click on me and turn me into a patient of compulsive disoder. I log on facebook loyally and play this little application every day.
The idea of plane crazy is pretty simply. You got a photograph of an airplane on your profile. You start off with crappy hang glider and work you way up to A380 or Air Force One. Each day, you have a quota of 10 races with other players. If you win, you get points. You can use the points to upgrade your airplane. I like airplanes since I was a little kid, so I spent my 2 minutes with this silly application, then wait for my turns until the next day. I am working my way up slowly. I just got to the level of business jet. My goal is to get reach some decent fighters, like a F-14 or F-22.
I wonder why I am so addicted to this silly game. I guess it probably the same reason why people are addicted to fluff friends. It is just a mystery.