Thanks to the connection flight schedule of Singapore Airline, I can spent a day touring this small island before heading off to India. My flight from Vancouver arrive at 11p.m. and the daily flight to Bangalore leave at 8p.m., so I got a free night of hotel staying in Singapore.
Pat has a relative in Singapore, so I bring the wedding invitation to them in person and her auntie is so kind that being my tourist guide for the day. I am not interested in any tourist attraction, my focus is having my last meal of good food before having curry every day. I had the infamous pork bone tea for lunch. The resturant is very popular that it has an attitude to turn down celebrity guests. When the governor of HK visit Singapore last time, he wanted to try the pork bone tea. Unfortunately, the resturant is closed that day of the week. The resturant refuse to open and serve the governor for interfering with their rest day.
After lunch, we took tour the city by taking the bus. I get to see the real Singapore. It is clean and tidy everywhere. The city is well planned with wide roads and lots of green spaces. I had an early dinner before taking the shuttle to airport. We went to have the legendary Hainanese chicken rice at the Chatterbox at Meritus Mandarin Hotel on Orchid Road. The chicken rice is delicious, much better than those I have in Vancouver. On top of that, it is a revolving restaurant at 38th floor with a pararanma view of the city. It satisfy both my eyes and stomach at the same time.
Too bad that I only have time to try two restaurants. I wish I could stay in Singapore a little longer and visit more places. It is kinda irony that I am flying from the cleanest city in the world to the dirtiest city in the world. It is only a few hours but I already miss Singapore, especially seeing the mess in Banaglore.