Saskatoon day two

Got to work really early this morning, arrived in the office at 8:30a.m. That’s the time people go to work in Saskatoon. It has been a long day, full day of work, not as relax as in Burnaby. Close to the end of the day, Burnaby had a power failure and our servers are affected, so have to go home early. After work I drove around in town to look for gift for Pat and dinner place. I had pretty much seen every major shopping area in the city. The road is Saskatoon is pretty wide and straight, kinda like when I first came to Mississauga. There is one major highway called the Circle Drive goes around the city. I wish Vancouver had such a nice road system. I just had dinner at some local bar and grill, nothing special on the food. I’m glad that I successfully bought the gift for Pat, I’m sure she would like it, and I better keep it secret for the time being. I also spent quite some time in a 2nd hand book store and bought two old books. What kind of person am who will go to old book store in a foreign town? Anyways, the night is as unproductive as usual, watched several episodes of Science of Starwars in the Discovery Channel. I really have to revise my Germany before heading back home this week. I missed home, and it’s quite boring here by myself.

One thought on “Saskatoon day two”

  1. yo yo~~ can you take some photos of your workplace, motel and cathedral?? i’m curious to see them too =D

    thanks for the gift! =)


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