Ok. I must admit that I blew my friend’s surprise birthday party again this year. Last year, I asked him an innocent question that where are we going to have dinner on his birthday. This year I asked the same innocent question again in front of him. The organizer of the surprise party use evite to organize the event. He forgot to state clearly it is a surprise party and we have to keep it secret from him. How would I know this one is a surprise party when the host is informed in most of our other birthday parties. The most logical conclusion it is not a surprise party unless stated otherwise. Moreover, why would anyone want a surprise party? What if the person is not free on that day? Should it better always know the plan ahead of time so you can prepare? Anyways, I am the one blew it away. So I have to apologize for spoiling his party and the organizer effort trying hard to keep it secret. On a second thought, the total amount of happiness he experience should be increased. He would be sad and worrying for the rest of the week wondering where are his friends for his birthday party. Now he gained two more days of happiness knowing his friends are being so thoughtful.