Hot air balloon crash

Yesterday, there was a horrible hot air balloon accident in Vancouver. The balloon catch fire after take off, burst into flames and dropped 8 meter to the ground. A propane tank was heated shot up in the sky and exploded, torched several motor homes nearby the crash site. The accident has 11 injuries and 2 death. The most scary thing about this accident is I just had a ride on that balloon last month! Hot air balloon ride could be very dangerous after all. So I am taking back my early words and won’t recommend anyone to ride a hot air balloon for obvious safety reason.  Go here to see my hot air balloon ride photos.

balloon crash

balloon on fire

3 thoughts on “Hot air balloon crash”

  1. 真驚險~~~令我諗起昂坪360~~~好彩果次冇人!!意外真的不知道何時會輪到自已…有人選擇買保險,我選擇了三位一体果位。哈哈~~~不是永井豪果套經典~~~

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