seriously, you dont know what you are talking and you should stop barking now.
there are MANY destinations as for studying aboard, try and look at the big picture and not your own tiny confined bubble.
if you had been to the UK, France, Germany, or even Japan, you would have agreed to what i said. apart from reading habit, just look at the place around, vintage site, gallaries, museum…… omg, i couldnt believe you.
tell me how many books, ( i mean real books not stupid manga or magazines) and how many psp / nds you would see in a MTR ride. you are the first to say that HK people have a good reading habit. omfg. ridiculous
secondly, you mentioned about the aim or objective of government sponsoring, and i think you have fully inherited the slavory attitude, plus you have agreed to it. The main objective of education is to produce an intellectual regardless of their future carreer. but of coz if your stance is on the gov side, then you better go write for the gov and not trying to be clever and criticising something you have no prior knowledge. just to let you know, places like the UK have grant or scholarship for students regardless their future carrer. i for one have taken out a grant from the uk gov but is working in hk now.
i am trying to help you but i find your ignorance is unbearable. i care thats why i write.
I can’t comment on Germany or France, since I don’t know much about these countries. The UK school system is also a mess, probably not as bad as the US one. Japan student is probably as hard working as HK’s, but has its own unique problem. The live or death open exam is create too many losers, and Japanese actually don’t read too many books, they prefer everything in manga, even government information!
HK lacks museum, gallaries, vintage site because HK is not a country with a history It simply does not have much historical heritage to begin with. But I don’t worry too much about our kid’s artistic development. HK has the high number of candidates among the world to write the royal conservatory music exams.
I am not thinking for the government, I am thinking as a taxpayer. I pay my tax to sponsor education for our next generation. If they don’t stay behind put their knowledge into good use and serve the society, why would I pay for their education and let another country take benefit for free?
You are just ripping off UK’s taxpayer. The government should change the law and make those like you reimburse the government full amount of tuition and scholarship.
TO Hevangel
I am repaying my loan and stuff to the UK gov even I am working in HK. (a well organised system i guess) There is no free lunch, but please, please view the world in a wilder perspective. Why all the great chiense scientist can only be found in the UK or US, perhaps, HK is overpopulated, there are some very good students, youngsters, people, but there are alot more to it. HK education is fundementally damned! for instance, 8 univeristy, only 2 or maybe 3 are wildly accepted. so whats going on with the students in the other 5 uni. face it, the gov. have been working on but they too admitted that it is a complete mess. i dont have a solution and therefore i supported Tao Kit ‘s view in sending students abroad if possible. i would say more than half of the HKer are illiterati.
To Lara
Quoting “況且我從來不覺得很幾本書,看documentary,偶爾去看一下畫展,看兩場drama,喜愛文學/文化,只聽jazz/classical就代表有文化,有修養
literature, artwork (for instance, oil painting), classical music, drama, things like these require patient and time to understand. if you try and grab hold of it, you will definitely enjoy it. then you will start to know that people who 煲電視劇集看獎門人刨八掛雜誌 are empty. so empty that i feel shame. it is the line between contented and empty. i would introduce you George Orwell or Frank Kafka, dont waste your ability, read English. it is always better 😀
i should also mention oil painting, go to gallaries and get some beginners book, it tells you alot about art and you will start to love it. these things are like magic, you need to think, and of course, if only you enjoy thinking, otehrwise you might find it super boring. (you dont need to think while you are doing the “電視劇集看獎門人刨八掛雜誌 “)
I believe that there is a need of REVOLUTION in the HK Education System.
HK has been a trading city from its very beginning… The uniqueness of HK is to TRADE. Trading of knowledge, trading of goods, trading of people’s talents…
For HK to develop its own style of education system, it’s like talking to copycats not to ‘copy.’
However, HK people should have faith in the education system. You can make it better by living through it! Sometimes, sending kids out to study abroad can be one of the unwise decisions you can ever make…
Personally, I’ve known countless unsuccessful stories for study-abroaders… and they end up doing more successfully by going back home to study! They find better jobs; more importantly, they are happier!! There are also great programs in well-known universities in HK – it all depends upon the individual’s ability…
Don’t believe that ‘made in USA/ UK/ JAPAN/ FRANCE’ in the education section of people’s resume would tell you great guarantee. (it is just BULLSHIT) Btw, I’d love to study more about the Chinese language and culture! (I only know up to P.6 in HK education level)
PS. This topic is correlated to the response given about HK politicians giving up their citizenship from other countries. I think that it is a good sign for the city and the country to shape up its own character! *No More Copycats!!! Hurray!!!!*
Good day….
寫專欄,只是跑江湖,混飯吃而已,也不知可以混到幾時。 ^^
你說:”若有人對官方宣傳信到十足﹐走去讀中中和副學士﹐只好怪自己死蠢了。不過也很難怪他們﹐不是死蠢就不會淪落到要讀中中和副學士”. 這證明你認同陶傑的看法: 政府的虛偽, 累死好多人啊.
quoting “真正的精英人才﹐會希罕香港這個彈丸之地嗎 送獎學金讓學子出國讀書﹐這張肯定是單程機票﹐一去無回頭。香港完全沒有科研沒有文化…﹐你佔他會去華爾街還是去中環﹖ ”
你的出法點是家長還是政府呢? 政府發放更多奬學金/助學金又有可不妥, 只要對學子好便是了. 管他在那兒做事.
你有否在外地生活過?估你也沒有. 外國節目差極也比香港的好. 單說documentary也比我們多.
讀書風氣好過我們百倍. 文明古蹟亦多. 我相你也認同. 你說的”孟母三遷搬去外國讀好學校” 便是要避開你說那些 “煲電視劇集看獎門人刨八掛雜誌” 的父母.
希望你能明白自己說話的立場, 搞清楚自己的思路.
呀~ 我的名字不就是我網址嗎﹖
別傻了﹐在外國看documentary要裝cable TV才有。Discovery channel﹐TLC﹐History channel﹐Animal Planet統統要額外俾錢。免費電視不是播垃圾劇集﹐就是垃圾真人騷﹐再不就是直播打波﹐美國可是盛產梳化薯仔的大國啊﹗
seriously, you dont know what you are talking and you should stop barking now.
there are MANY destinations as for studying aboard, try and look at the big picture and not your own tiny confined bubble.
if you had been to the UK, France, Germany, or even Japan, you would have agreed to what i said. apart from reading habit, just look at the place around, vintage site, gallaries, museum…… omg, i couldnt believe you.
tell me how many books, ( i mean real books not stupid manga or magazines) and how many psp / nds you would see in a MTR ride. you are the first to say that HK people have a good reading habit. omfg. ridiculous
secondly, you mentioned about the aim or objective of government sponsoring, and i think you have fully inherited the slavory attitude, plus you have agreed to it. The main objective of education is to produce an intellectual regardless of their future carreer. but of coz if your stance is on the gov side, then you better go write for the gov and not trying to be clever and criticising something you have no prior knowledge. just to let you know, places like the UK have grant or scholarship for students regardless their future carrer. i for one have taken out a grant from the uk gov but is working in hk now.
i am trying to help you but i find your ignorance is unbearable. i care thats why i write.
I can’t comment on Germany or France, since I don’t know much about these countries. The UK school system is also a mess, probably not as bad as the US one. Japan student is probably as hard working as HK’s, but has its own unique problem. The live or death open exam is create too many losers, and Japanese actually don’t read too many books, they prefer everything in manga, even government information!
HK lacks museum, gallaries, vintage site because HK is not a country with a history It simply does not have much historical heritage to begin with. But I don’t worry too much about our kid’s artistic development. HK has the high number of candidates among the world to write the royal conservatory music exams.
I am not thinking for the government, I am thinking as a taxpayer. I pay my tax to sponsor education for our next generation. If they don’t stay behind put their knowledge into good use and serve the society, why would I pay for their education and let another country take benefit for free?
You are just ripping off UK’s taxpayer. The government should change the law and make those like you reimburse the government full amount of tuition and scholarship.
叫what remains of us?
更正: 但我覺得父母”煲電視劇集看獎門人刨八掛雜誌”不是什麼大問題
TO Hevangel
I am repaying my loan and stuff to the UK gov even I am working in HK. (a well organised system i guess) There is no free lunch, but please, please view the world in a wilder perspective. Why all the great chiense scientist can only be found in the UK or US, perhaps, HK is overpopulated, there are some very good students, youngsters, people, but there are alot more to it. HK education is fundementally damned! for instance, 8 univeristy, only 2 or maybe 3 are wildly accepted. so whats going on with the students in the other 5 uni. face it, the gov. have been working on but they too admitted that it is a complete mess. i dont have a solution and therefore i supported Tao Kit ‘s view in sending students abroad if possible. i would say more than half of the HKer are illiterati.
To Lara
Quoting “況且我從來不覺得很幾本書,看documentary,偶爾去看一下畫展,看兩場drama,喜愛文學/文化,只聽jazz/classical就代表有文化,有修養
literature, artwork (for instance, oil painting), classical music, drama, things like these require patient and time to understand. if you try and grab hold of it, you will definitely enjoy it. then you will start to know that people who 煲電視劇集看獎門人刨八掛雜誌 are empty. so empty that i feel shame. it is the line between contented and empty. i would introduce you George Orwell or Frank Kafka, dont waste your ability, read English. it is always better 😀
i should also mention oil painting, go to gallaries and get some beginners book, it tells you alot about art and you will start to love it. these things are like magic, you need to think, and of course, if only you enjoy thinking, otehrwise you might find it super boring. (you dont need to think while you are doing the “電視劇集看獎門人刨八掛雜誌 “)
呃…andrew先生,我想你誤會了。我本身…讀的是很文學的東西,而且我一星期有六日都會去gallery的呀!我很喜愛dali的天馬行空,也愛冷軍的冷峻和bansky的玩味。我是不看電視劇不看獎門人不刨八掛雜誌的;平時只看csi,discovery chanel,movie。文學方面,我看的是…Homer,Herotodus,Eumenides那一類型的,plato也有看一些。
我想帶出的是: 對於藝術/文化,我們需要更大的包容性,來包容一些新的觀念(於很多比較保守的地方,行為藝術,到現在仍然是被認為是次一等的藝術表達方式)。
其實早在殖民地時代,已有保送尖子往外國留學的尤德獎學金。這個獎學金,現在應該還有運作。除此之外,香港的精英人才,也可以讀完學士之後去考rhodes scholarship或者fulbright scholarship之類的獎學金。如果真的要政府做點什麼的話,倒不如在高中和大學行學券制,讓有能力又選擇留學的學生「折現」幫補學費。
survivor顯露人性醜惡,也不算完全沒營養。最沒營養的,應該是專選笨人參與的big brother吧。
至於包容性嘛,其實能夠connect with the people的藝術,遲早都會成為主流,不用特別去包容。遠的有impressionism, 近的有hip-hop, 市場無形之手,自會有所安排。
to tzigane:
外國的大學的話…我會prefer加拿大/美國,制度跟英國的不同。真的是閣下自理那一種,所以在當中,可以學到獨立。而且選科比較自由,可以跟個人喜好去選擇一些閒科,如guitar,ceramics,ancient egyptian art等等。這就是分別所在。
(p.s. 我一直都不明白為什麼香港中學沒有哲學課。)
Just writing some casual thoughts…
I believe that there is a need of REVOLUTION in the HK Education System.
HK has been a trading city from its very beginning… The uniqueness of HK is to TRADE. Trading of knowledge, trading of goods, trading of people’s talents…
For HK to develop its own style of education system, it’s like talking to copycats not to ‘copy.’
However, HK people should have faith in the education system. You can make it better by living through it! Sometimes, sending kids out to study abroad can be one of the unwise decisions you can ever make…
Personally, I’ve known countless unsuccessful stories for study-abroaders… and they end up doing more successfully by going back home to study! They find better jobs; more importantly, they are happier!! There are also great programs in well-known universities in HK – it all depends upon the individual’s ability…
Don’t believe that ‘made in USA/ UK/ JAPAN/ FRANCE’ in the education section of people’s resume would tell you great guarantee. (it is just BULLSHIT) Btw, I’d love to study more about the Chinese language and culture! (I only know up to P.6 in HK education level)
PS. This topic is correlated to the response given about HK politicians giving up their citizenship from other countries. I think that it is a good sign for the city and the country to shape up its own character! *No More Copycats!!! Hurray!!!!*
陶傑講的有道理,你講既m記ceo食法國餐的比喻低等無比,你應該話m記ceo點計食freshness burger而唔食自己brand
shame ON YOU