今期兩週一聚由加燦出題目﹐原本的題目水蛇春咁長﹕傳統 & 傳統智慧 / Convention & Conventional Wisdom。為免影響博面排板美觀﹐我把貼子的題目改為﹕傳統與傳統智慧 。原本加燦要求一雞兩吃﹐同一題目中英文各交一篇﹐可惜我恕難從命﹐原因請看篇未注腳。
生日會歷史悠久深入民心 ﹐現在我們在舊同學結婚時﹐仍然會保留這項優良傳統。在飲宴留到最後等大部份親友離去後﹐我們便會舉行這個簡單而隆重的做生日儀式。雖然人老了大家只是循例做樣子扮打﹐但是拍照出來的效果十分有趣。
Footnote: Convention and Conventional Wisdom
Something is wrong with Kempton’s choice of the English title. The translation of 傳統 should be tradition. Convention usually means a big meeting which is not really related to conventional wisdom. I could not figure out the relationship between convention and conventional wisdom, so I could not write anything else except this analysis of the English title.
加燦 (出題者)、周游、hevangel、Sherry、michelle、軍師奶、Ian、C9讀與食、南杏、lomichee、zero、芸、mad dog、chili mom、mingmanfred、hongkieatlarge、athrunz、Haricot 微豆、Silver、The Man who Loves Everton、hihisimon、longqt、肥肥媽媽
Convention does refer to “custom or tradition”. “Meeting” is another meaning.
I know I can expect something different from you. ha ha.
So violent, “然後把“壽星仔”按著背脊朝天﹐大伙兒以拳頭相向”.
Finally, thanks for writing your 注腳 in English. And of course, I disagree with you. ha ha.
嘩 :O
好搞笑, 打人。
Dear Horace,
I want to apologize to you. You are right that “Convention” doesn’t translate to “傳統”.
So I apologize for setting this topic so you weren’t able to participate more fully.
Silver: True, but even in that meaning, convention seems not as old as tradition.
kempton: It’s not very violence, we do it every day.
lomichee: You can check my “about” page. 🙂
Not really. If you look up the words carefully, you’ll know convention and tradition can be on the same line, in some contexts, of course. So it just depends on what you write. 🙂
kempton: technically speaking, my entry still comply with the rule. It has Chinese and it has English. It also talks about convention and conventional wisdom. 🙂
Silver: True, but there is a subtle difference between convention and tradition. Say I can use convention referring to the TCP/IP protocol specification, but I can’t say the TCP/IP protocol specification is a tradition.
Just for you. 🙂
“The terms “convention” and “conventional” are flagrantly and intricately ambiguous. On the one hand, the conventional is the ordinary, the usual, the **traditional**, the orthodox as against the novel, the deviant, the unexpected, the heterodox. On the other hand, the conventional is the artificial, the invented, the optional, as against the natural, the fundamental, the mandatory (1989, p. 80).”
source: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/convention/
Please I had a bit at the comments section of
this is so funny, is this for real?
gwen: 100% real.
你依個傳統好正!!! 不如得閒出嚟做吓?!