Say NOYES to Pets on Planes!

The airline industry is losing money when the passengers are cutting travels in the current market downfall. In order to make more money, the airline health allows people to bring pets for an extra charge. However allowing pets inside passenger cabin poses serious health risk to travelers with respiratory problems, like allergies or asthma.

Air inside the cabin is close-circulated, there is not escape from allergens no matter how far your seat from the pet. In some seriously ill patients, even a small dose of allergens from pets could be deadly by causing suffocation. We should not put any human life at risk just to satisfy pet lover’s twisted affections to their pets. Pets belong to the cargo compartment, they should not be allowed riding the plane with human.

Please sign the petition for a pet free passenger cabin at Canadian Lung Association

12 thoughts on “Say NOYES to Pets on Planes!”

  1. no way. i will not fly on an airline that allows pets in the same cabin as people. there’s not enough room for people on planes as is, let alone pets…….

  2. it’s common that people travel with their pets in cabin in Europe, because at some point, there was a discussion about pet passports:

    i think that passengers have a right to know if their companions of next seats have a pet traveling with them or not! they have a choice to select another seat.

    it’s only good if the fly is short-haul. otherwise, dogs cannot stand the humans around them too.

    having dogs or other pets staying in the cargo is quite dangerous. there are statistics indicating the number of dogs lost on transit (or dead – believe it or not). here is the post:

  3. Pets are part of their human owners.

    When the world is globalized these days, humans are traveling, therefore pets are traveling.

    You just simply don’t buy people having pets in general — admit it la =) and make it as your motto on your blog in the front page, ok?


    1. Fine. I admit I don’t understand the idea why people have pets. Animals are raised for food, to guard the house (from thieves or from mouse), guide blind men, hunting, herding, pulling slates, etc. Why would people keep useless animals and treating them like babies.

  4. OK, you’re getting to the point here!

    The function of a pet is to teach love in the family, just like babies.

    I know it’s difficult to understand logically — however, can you quantify the mechanism of love feelings between a man and a woman? Between father and son? Between mother and daughter? etc. etc. There is a type of love between human and animals, which is deficiently cultivated in your upbringing. (I don’t blame you — afterall, you can come to accept the ugly duplex — what can I expect out from your love towards concrete and stones, over the greens and animals, surrounding the home?)

    Some people like to coin the idea as ‘compassion.’ We were once a kid, but how come when we grow older that we forget how to communicate and play with kids? We were once an ape, but how come when we get more civilized that we forget how to communicate and play with fellow animals?

    It is very destructive to self, to others, and to the society to think everything in terms of interests to self — me, me, ME!

    I appreciate for the fact that you start to like dogs — like Charlie. I believe that I wrote all the previous entries with ‘his’ voice =) (not ‘its’ voice) I do have a relationship with animals, just like relationship with God.

    – wife

  5. Thanks for saying ‘YES’ to pet (or Pat?)!

    Start from the basics.
    First step is: learn how to pet a dog!

    All the airlines should have one in the cabin – in addition to the air-sealed plastic coats for dogs (from shedding hair) and the masks for humans (from breathing problems).

    =) =) =)

  6. 係呀,有人唔準我公開反駁佢o架。

    btw, 我肯定呢個post出咗佢會有排鵝我。;p 唉,死就死啦。

  7. 又,我唔反對可以帶狗飛,要求係航空公司要事先知會乘客呢班係寵物特別航班,同埋空排倒隔音兼隔味o既位俾佢o地。如果航空公司覺得有錢賺咪ok,自由市場ahma,根據hevangel的講法,仲相當公平tim。

  8. & HI trishama,

    “Some people like to coin the idea as ‘compassion.’ We were once a kid, but how come when we grow older that we forget how to communicate and play with kids? We were once an ape, but how come when we get more civilized that we forget how to communicate and play with fellow animals?”

    No offend, but:
    Our ancestors may once be apes, but we are not. And I’m pretty sure that apes, like other primates, would sometimes eat rather than just play with animals.

    Anyway, I believe hevangel raised a ban on the issue on rational grounds, but he is even more flexible than I thought that he had changed his mind for you. So, teach him how to love la. & really nice to meet you… on the internet.

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