Tag Archives: life

The paradox of choice

Different people have different ways of making a decision. When Pat make a decision, she can make up her mind once she come across something she like. When I make a decision, I am have to study every available information before I make up my mind. I found I have may have the problem of compulsive complete information syndrome. I have to list down all the choices, then pick the one that best fit my criteria. I feel obligate to read all the information or I don’t not feel comfortable about my decision and have anxiety second guessing I am not making the right choice.

When the choices available to me is limited due to information availability or the lack of variety in selection, my decision process works pretty well. When I am buying electronics, computer, sports equipments, guns or any guys stuff, I can apply some filter algorithms to narrow in my choices based on the feature I want or my budget constraint. I found my decision process is not scalable to stuff with no easy objective criteria. When I am buying faucets and cabinet handles for my kitchen and bathroom, Direct Buy have the complete catalog of over a dozen faucets manufacturers and over a thousand different kinds of cabinet handles. It took me almost two nights to go over every one of them to figure out which is the right one. I don’t have this problem if I buy faucets and handles form Home Depot or Candian Tires, since they have a aisle of faucet or handle selection at most and I can finish the aisle in 15 minutes.

I have to go through this painful selection process at least three more times. I still have to find the right lights fixtures, the right dining table and the right bed frames for our new place. There are at least 200 more furniture and light catalogs from Direct Buy. I have to read every page and then research more information about those products online. Now, I can understanding why sometimes more is less, the paradox of choice.

Learning how to ride a unicycle – day 2

Today I was practicing unicycle at tennis court close to home. An empty tennis court is better than parking lot, especially on a sunny afternoon. I am getting better than last time. I feel more comfortable sitting on the unicycle. I am slowly getting the sense of balance. I can peddle forward a few steps before falling off the unicycle. Of course, one of my hand still hold on to the fence all the time.

Riding unicycle is very different than riding a bicycle. When riding a bicycle, you usually use your whole body weight to help you peddle. However, when riding a unicycle, the body weight always stay on top of the seat. You will lose balance if you transfer too much weight on to the peddle. You have to unlearn the body motion of riding a bicycle.

Learning unicycle inspire me a few lessons of life that I can apply them to my daily life. It seems counter-intuitive at first, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. When you are sitting on a wobbling unicycle, it is human nature to grab something to feel secure. There is a natural tendency to grab on the seat handle. It is a bad idea, you should spread out your arms to help you balance instead. The first lesson is hang on something does not mean you are secured, if the thing you try to hang on needs you to keep it balance.

Many beginners like to look down at the wheel which supports you and which you suppose to keep it up right. However looking down will throw you off balance. Stop paying attention to where you are, focus on your destination and you will be there. The second lesson is don’t let your mind blogged down by everyday details, think about the big picture and the small things will sort themselves out.

Since I am still a learner, I hold on to the fence all the time. Sometimes when I am peddling forward, I am too scare to let go of my hand off the fence. As a result the wheel rotation forward while my hand is stilling holding to the same position of the fence, my body is twisted and I am off balance. The third lesson is if you want to move forward, you have to stop holding the same spot.















  • 如果不是小六某天﹐因母親遲了返工﹐早上接到一個電話﹐匆匆忙忙帶我去面試﹐我便不會認識中學時代的一班好朋友。
  • 如果不是中五時移民申請及時批出﹐我便會去了英國升學﹐而不是來加拿大讀書﹐英國學校的留位費也付了。
  • 如果不是贏了數學比賽﹐我便不會升讀現在這間大學﹐不會認識大學時代的一班好朋友。
  • 如果不是考不到美國一流大學的研究院﹐我便不會來溫哥華工作﹐便不會認識到現在的老婆。
  • 如果不是很多年前某天一個三九唔識七的人﹐無厘在頭ICQ白撞向我傳教﹐我便不會流連基督教討論區﹐不會對宗教問題產生興趣﹐不會繼而對哲學產生興趣﹐不會現在修讀哲學了。
  • 如果不是加燦一篇留言﹐我便不會去看他的網誌﹐便不會認識兩周一聚了﹗

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