I went to Whislter with Pat today to try out her new snowboard. The weather is pretty good, and the snow condition is great. This is the first time I went to Whislter with just Pat and no one else. Today is quite an easy day for me since I need to company Pat go down the slope slowly. Since today is the Good Friday, on our way back we talked about Jesus and the cross. Then I came up with a new theory on Jesus’ resurrection. According to the Bible, Mary Magdalene found the tomb was empty on Sunday morning, this can only show Jesus was resurrected by that time, but doesn’t preclude Jesus had resurrected on a much earlier time. My new theory is Jesus was raised from death once the stone of the tomb is sealed, so Jesus was dead only for several hours instead of three days. Jesus, who also has God’s duty, must be a busy man, he can’t afford doing nothing for 3 whole days lying in the tomb. He must had seize the time between his death and his reappearance in front of others to accomplish some unkown but yet important tasks. The direct consequences of my new theory is the Apostles Creed and related versus in the Bible has to be updated. That 3 days of Jesus’ life not recorded by the Bible can open up lots of interesting conspiracies, maybe it will be the plot of the sequel of Da Vinci’s Code, or even foundations of a whole new sect of christianity.