
I have submitted my first paper to the Internetional Wireless Communication and Mobile Communication Conference. The content of this paper is directly from my master thesis. Before the christmas holidays, Dr. Tejinder told me about this conferenece and he think I should give it a try, so I reformated my thesis to the IEEE paper format. On thursday’s research meeting, when Dr. Hardy saw my paper, I can see his is really happy. I bet the main reason is he has his name on it as a co-author. I think he deserve his name on the paper athought I came up with most of the idea and done all the work by myself. Dr. Hardy reviewed my paper in a night, proof-read all the typos and mistakes in the paper. I never seen him work so hard since he has been my supervisor. Normaly, he would leave the work until the next research meeting. I only get very general guidance from Dr. Hardy in the beginning for choosing my topics. He gave me many areas to choose from, and I narrowed the topic down to something I can managed all by myself. It seems my research meeting with Dr. Hardy is all about I told him my ideas, and he evaluate which one is plausible. That is very different from other professors I heard, they told you directly what you have to do, you more or less just the implementating their research. Even though my paper may not be very significate, but I can feel that it is my own research. I will know whether the paper is accepted in Apirl. If it is accepted, I will have the chance to attend my first conference. It is so convinient that the conference this year is held in Vancouver. I am also thinking about deriving another paper from this work if I have a publication on the belt. The marginal cost of evaluating another traffic model is not very high. Have a paper published would really worth the effort I have spent in working on my own thesis, instead of turning an company document into another me-too m.eng. project.

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