
I have received my compensation package today. I am very happy with this year’s adjustment. I got a raise, a not too bad bonus and some useless options. I can finally afford living a moderate life with the adjustment this time. Since a large portion of my salary is used up in fixed living cost, the marginal gain in disposable incoming of the raise is relatively large. To treat myself, I am going to replace all the cheapy plastic furnitures I bought when I first come to Vancouver with more decent wooden furnitures from Ikea. I need to upgrade my computer, but I am still waiting for the price of AMD 64 X2 comes down a bit more. I am thinking about buying a cheap laptop from Dell since I don’t have a laptop, it would be convinient able to carry it around. iPod is under consideration, but I think I can resist the temptation as it is not very useful. I promised Pat to buy her a gift with my bonus, so that she can’t complain any more on my bad taste in choosing her valentine’s day gift. Maybe I should buy a few pants. My old pants are a bit tight after I have gained some weight in the past few years. The only problem is that I have a phobia of buying clothes.

2 thoughts on “Compensation”

  1. Congratulations! You passed your defense, now you got a raise. This is a good start of the year. Keep the momentum going!

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