P.Eng seminer part 2

The seminer today is much worse than yesterday. Yesterday was at least informative, today they only talk about hot air. The theme of today is about engineering ethics. In the morning, some mono-tone engineer talked about discipline regulations and they just read from the slides directly. Outside the conference room, in the hotel pub, they were showing Germany vs Argentina. One by one, people were sneaking off to watch the game. I joined the group and able to watch most of the over time and the shot out. It’s one of the best game played in the series, much more enjoyable than listening to regulations.

In the afternoon, they talked about ethics. It’s nothing compare to the ethics we talked about in philosophy class. The whole thing can be summarized in one sentence: follow the 10 rules, when in double ask for professional advice. Those 10 rules are pretty straight forward, kinda like the rules in scout handbook. No one will attempt to dispute against the rule per se. However that the meaning and the scope of application of the terms used in the rules are subjected to dispute. The presentated followed by a case study. I don’t have much interested in it either. All I care about is how should I write the exam and how to keep myself away from discipline action in the future. In front of moral theory, engineering ethic seems so superficial. It is as vague as the “Don’t do evil” motto of Google.