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哲學功課: Locutionary Acts and Illocutionary Acts


In “How to do Things with Words”, J.L.Austin challenges the traditional view of philosophy language that the meaning of utterances concerns about its truth value. He proposed the concept of speech act, instead passively describe what is being said, he bring froth a new idea that identify a critical feature of speaking, which is “saying is doing”. He classify utterance into two categories, performative utterance and costative utterance. Costative utterance is more or less the traditional account of sentence, in which it concerns about how to interpret the meaning of statement in the sentence. A statement is stating some fact and some reference which can be denotated and resolved its sense and then determine the truth value of the statement. For example, the sentence “My school is on top of Burnaby Mountain” is a statement stating some fact about the school of the speaker which can be verified by the listener once “my school” is deference to “Simon Fraser University” and “Burnaby Mountain” is denotated to a particular place that the listener knows about. On the other hand, performative utterance has no truth value attached, rather the speaker is trying to archive something with the utterance. The major concern of the sentence, for example a command or an instruction, is about what the speaker intended to archive. For example, when the speaker says “Get me a cup of tea”, there is no true of false regarding the sentence, he is instructing the listener to fetch him a cup of tea.

Austin further divide the performative utterance into three sub-categories. When a person speaks, he is actually performing three acts at the same time. On the surface level, he is preformance a locutionary act, that he is making some sound, speaking some words and uttering a sentence that means a certain thing literally. In short it is the act that he is speaking. On the second level, there is the illocutionary act, what the speaking is doing when he is speaking. He could be promising something, ordering someone or stating some facts through his speech. In short it is the act in his speaking. The last level is prelocutionary act, it is the intention of the speaker through the act of speaking, he could be trying to draw someone’s attention, pleasing someone or insulting someone. In short it is the act behind his speaking. Austin points out that costative utterance is a special kind of performative utterance where the act performed is to state something. He also points out that a sentence with illocutionary verbs will make the sentence a illocutionary act, but some sentence without any illocutionary verbs can also be a performative utterance under the right context. For example, the sentence “I will be there tomorrow” has an implicit meaning that I promise I will be there tomorrow.

Searle disagrees with Austin distinction on locutionary act and illocutionary act in the article “Austin on Locutionary and Illocutionary Acts” [2]. His paper is divided into two major sections. In the first half of the paper he try to show that Austin account on the boundary between locutionary act and illocutionary act is wrong, “reduces the locutionary-illocutionary distinction to trying and succeeding in performing an illocutionary act” [2, p409]. In the second half of the paper, he propose his own boundary between locutionary act and illocutionary act by introducing the concept of propositional acts. In the following sections, I will examine Searle’s argument in details and point out how he failed to show that Austin is wrong about louctionary act and illocutionary act.

Searle agrees with Austin on the first two level of locutionary act, the phonetic act that is the act of making some sound, the phatic act that is the act of uttering some words, but he disagree on the rhetic act that constitute the sense and reference of the sentence in the utterance. On the rhetic act level, he thinks that the meaning of the utterance is the same as the illocutionary, “there are not two difference acts but two different labels for the same act” [2, p407]. He argue that if someone says “Get out”, the rhetic act is he told me to get out, which is essentially the same as the illocutionary act. In short, “the verb phrases in the reports of rhetic acts invariably contain illocutionary verbs” [2, p411]. There is no way to give an indirect speech report of a rhetic act which does not turn the report into the report of an ilocutionary act.

Let me show Searle is wrong by employing two counter examples. In the simple examples used in Searle’s article, it is indeed very hard to distinguish the the rhetic act and illocutionary. However when we consider a more complex example, we can clearly mark distinction between locutionary act and illocutionary. Under many circumstance, the surface meaning of the speech can be very difference from the illocutionary act. Imagine that there is a secret agent who is is contacting his undercover spy to exchange some information and issue further instructions in a coffee shop. They both agreed on using some secret code word, let’s say for example on surface they are talking about NHL games, but in reality they use the score of the games and the number on the hockey player’s jersey to encode secret messages. In this case, on the surface the locutionary act are just talking about hockey, but the illocutionary act has totally different meaning, maybe they are talking about their next assassination plan. Here we have a clear cut distinction between locutionary act and illocutionary act that the two are not the same.

Searle also made a wrong assumption that locutionary act must always has three parts. In fact a locutionary act can only consist of the first two parts or even just the first part, but there can still be an illocutionary act associated with the same utterance. For example, a brain injury patient lost his function in speaking, so he can only make isolated words or he is even only capable of making incomprehensible noise, although his can still think clearly inside his mind. Imagine a scenario that the patient want to get the attention of the nurse, he would try to speak something or make some noise to get the attention of the nurse. The illocutionary act of his utterance is very clear, but yet the rhetic act or the pahtic act is totally missing, only the phonetic act of the loctionary act remains. This example also demostrate that locutionary act is very different form illoctionary act. Even the utternace is totally meaningless on the surface, under some context the meaningless utterance could actually mean something that the speaker is trying to do.

In the second half of the paper, Searle attempt to reconstruct the boundary of locutionary and illocutionary by introducing a new layer, propositional act, above the phatic act in the place of rhetic act used to be. He started with stating three linguistic principles. Then he try to point out Austin neglects those three principles in his original theory in spech act to explain why Austin is wrong. His first argument (point 3) is less controversal, Austin’s attempt to identify specific illocutionary verbs and the endless distinction of different types of illouctionary acts is futile. The cataglory of illocutionary force of utternace is not precise, there can be more than one way to distinguish different types of illocutionary acts.

Searle’s next argument on Principle of Expressiblity (point 1 and 2) tries to point out that “for every illocutionary act one intends to performs, It is possible to utter a sentence the literal meaning of which is such as to determine that its serious literal utterance in an appropriate context” [2, p418]. He thinks that given proper translation and detail description, the meaning of an illocutionary act can be expressed by a sentence literally, so that the Austin’s separation between the said-meaning and the meant-force does not exist. Searle assume “the meaning of a sentence is determined by the meanings of all its meaningful components” [2, p415] which is not always true. The meaning of a sentence can sometimes determined by what is missing from its meaningful components, so that the listener can deduce the true meaning of the sentence from what is omitted from the sentences when it is compare against the normal components of that type of sentences. In a situation that a person has to say one sentence to two listeners but at the same time convey two different meanings to the two listeners with the prerequisite that one of the listener cannot know the meaning that is intended for the other listener. For example, a businessman introduce a customer to his long time business partner. The businessman praise the customer such and such during the introduction in front of the customer. To the customer, the illocutionary act is about using the praises to say something good about the customer. But to the business partner, the illocutionary act is about using what is not praised to indicate something bad about the customer. If the omission in the locutionary act is the true intend of the illocutionary act, then it is impossible to express the illocutionary act in a plain literal sentence, no matter how many details you put into the sentences.

Searle introduce propositional act, the act of expression the proposition, which is a specific type of illocutionary act that the intend of the sentence is merely stating the content of the sentences. Austin thinks that this type of performative utterance act bears the truth value of the content of the sentences just like traditional costative utterance. Searle argues that a propositional act has two components, the statement act itself which is the act of stating, and the statement object which is the content of what is stated. The statement act is like any other act that it does not have true or false. A statement object is a proposition that we can evaluate its truthfuliness. I think Searle are force to introduce this arkward layer of the proposition act in order to complete his speech act theory because he get rid of the rhetic act layer of locutionary act. Let’s recall Austin’s definition of locutionary act, especially the definition of rhetic act, is that the speaker is saying the literal meaning of the sentence. Statement act is actually a special kind of illocutionary act that the meaning of illocutionary act overlap with the meaning of rhetic act. Let me use the same technique employed by Searles earlier in the article but flip it, there is no way to give a report of an illocutionary act which does not turn into giving an indirect speech report of a rhetic. For example, he said “Simon Fraser University is in Burnaby”, the illocutionary act is that he is stating Simon Fraser University is in Burnaby which is exactly the same as the rhetic act.

In conclusion, I successfully defence Austin’s account on the locutionary act and illocutionary act from Searle’s attack by showing counter examples that clearly mark the boundary between locutionary and illocutionary acts. In addition, I also refute his claim that illocutionary act can be express in a literal sentence that in his account makes locutionary act no longer necessary. At last, I demostrated that the introduction of propositional act is redundant if we keep the distinction of locutionary act and illocutionary act. Propositional act is just a special case of illocutionary act that actually overlap with locutionary.

[1] J.L. Austin, “Performative Utterances”
[2] J.R.Searle, “Austin on Locutionary and Illocutionary Acts”

The Big Questions – Steven E. Landsburg

經濟學家轉行寫哲學,會寫出什麼樣的東西出來呢?「大問題」是經濟學家Steven Landsburg,娛人娛已的著作。勉強可以歸類哲學通識,但說到底只不過是他發牢騷的散文。他用經濟學的理性思考方法,配合數學理論和邏輯推理作基礎,像萬用刀般用同一招,去解決所有有關人生意義,世界如何存在,道德善惡抉擇,宗教信仰,等等一切哲學難題。他的思想很另類新奇,有些想法連我讀哲學時也沒聽過。只不過推理卻不甚緊嚴緊,觀點看似成理,但論點有待嚴格檢定。始終這書玩票意味甚濃,寫得太學術性便會悶人趕客,現在讀起輕鬆有趣剛剛好。






Ecological Ethics, An Introduction – Patrick Curry



淺綠的環保理論是以人本道德為主,只有人類才有本然價值,其他動物和環境只有功用價傎。淺綠理論以資源管理為出發點,環保是人類可持續性發展必需要克服的難題。其中最有名的淺綠理論是救生船論(Lifeboat Ethic),地球就像一艘太空船,其維生系統有物理性的限制,人類不能無限制地使用資源。淺綠理論最為大眾接受,但反對者認為只考慮人類利益並不能真保護環境。

中綠環保理論仇舊是以人類為主心,但把本然價值擴大到包括動物或其他生物。其中最出名的有三個理論。Peter Singer以後果論為基礎的動物解放運動(Animal Liberation),把動物的快樂也納入計算功用內。Tom Regan以責任論為基礎的動物權利主義(Animal Rights),認為每一隻動物也有與人類同等的生存權。Paul Taylor的生物中心論(Biocentrism),把人類與其他動植生命置於相同的任置,人類對其他生命也有相同的道德責任。


土地倫理(Land Ethic)把土壤,水,動植物,統統給舉本然價值,把人類視為生態環境的一份子。它認為合乎道德的事情,必需能夠保存生態環境的一致性,隱定性和美麗,反之便是錯誤的事情。反對者認為土地倫理大大限制人類的自由,並妨礙人類使用天然資源的權利。

蓋亞理論(Gaia Theory)認為地球是一個超級生命體,人類是地球身上的害蟲,當地球受夠人類時,它便會作出反擊,讓生態回覆正常。反對者認為蓋亞理論沒有科學根據,事實上蓋亞便是希臘神話中大地之神的名字。另外蓋亞理論和土地倫理內容太過空泛,很容易被指為綠色法西斯主義,以地球為名義侵犯個人的自由和權利。

深環境論(Deep Ecology)認為非人類生物有本然價值,不應只要對人類的功用去衡量,人類沒有權利去減少物種的豐富性。因此人類必需要改變生活模式,並逐漸少人口數目,讓其他生物有生存的空間。深環境論還是一個新紀元運動,要從思想上去改變人類中心的思考,讓人們明白環境也是人的一部份,讓人的心靈連接到環境上。

深綠理論(Deep Green Theory)否定人類中心主義,認為人類並沒有特別的道德位置,大自然的本然價值,可以凌駕人類的利益。他們認為除了每個人自願性的轉變外,社會結構也要作出改變。

左翼生態中心主義(Left Biocentrism)同時否定資本主義和社會主義,認為兩者皆是工業主義的一體兩面。他們把馬克思的階級理論,推展到全部生物的層面,認為人類在剝削其他生物。他們認為地球並不屬於任何人,人類有責任過簡單的生活,以減少對環境的傷害。他們反對經濟發展和全球化,但認為馬克思理論還是人本思想,仍然會傷害環境。其他物種的利益,比任何個人,家庭,社區或國家的利益更加重要。簡單而言,儘管人們認為救謢車救人是好,坦克車殺人是壞。但在環境的角度,坦克車和救謢車是沒有分別,都會帶來環境破壞。

地球宣言(The Earth Manifesto)是個大雜燴,把前面提及的種種理論,寫下來成為行動宣言,還順手加入滅貧,民主,和平等宣言。地球宣言好聽是好聽,可是流於不切實際,特別是宣言中的理念有衝突時,宣言並沒有說明解決的方向。




哲學功課﹕The Coherence Theory of Empirical Knowledge


The Coherence Theory of Empirical Knowledge

In this essay, I am evaluating Bonjour’s coherence theory of empirical knowledge (CTEK) against foundational theory of empirical knowledge (FTEK). First, I will outline what is the regress problem and compare the responses from FTEK and CTEK. Then I will examine the objection against CTEK regarding its relationship with external world. I will further extend the objection by arguing CTEK is asserting a fundamental assumption that the external world itself has to be coherent for CTEK to be justified. At last I am going to conclude CTEK is unsuccessful in overcome the objection in strictly epistemological sense but it is successful in practical sense.

Since Plato, traditional view of knowledge is justified true belief. A piece of belief is only qualified as knowledge if it is justified. A belief is justified based on the validity and soundness of its argument, which is implicitly depends on the premises used in the argument are also justified. Each premise on its own is also a piece of belief which required the justification of the premise’s premises. As a result, we have a regression of justifications for premises that keep tracing back, which is known as “the regression problem”. FTEK deals with the regression problem by stating there are some foundation beliefs at the very bottom of chains of premises and the regression terminates when the basic beliefs are reached. There are two version of FTEK. The strong version stated that the basic beliefs are self-justified without the need of further premises. The weak version stated that the basic beliefs are initially credible that are likely to be true. The CTEK rejects the notation of basic beliefs, instead of having the regression of premises go on infinite linearly, the inference is circular. An epistemic system is justified by its internal coherence.

However, the circular nature of CTEK runs into the problem of begging the question, which a belief cannot be justified unless it is already justified. The solution is to reject the linear conception of inferential justification and uses a holistic or systematic conception of inferential justification instead. CTEK separate the justification into two categories, justification of a particular belief and the global justification of the entire cognitive system. The justification of a particular belief appears linear, since the premises regression will soon reached some acceptable beliefs in the context. If no acceptable belief is reached, the premises regression will continue moving in a circle. In this case, the justification of the overall knowledge system comes under questions. In CTEK, the justification of the entire system is based on its degree of coherence. A coherent system must be internally consistence, which means there is no internal conflict, but it has more than just consistency. Coherent is the systemic connection between the components of the system, how observable facts can be explained and predicted. The justified knowledge system is the one with the highest degree of coherences out of all the alternative consistence systems.

In the paper, Bonjour lists three objections to CTEK on questioning the fundamental questions of the connection between coherence and justification. Out of the three objections, Bonjour spends most of the paper in defending against objection number two, the relationship of CTEK and external world. I think this is the strongest objection against CTEK and I also think Bonjour successfully defends CTEK against this objection. However, Bonjour omitted an underlining assumption in his defence that the external world has to be coherent in order to justify his argument. In the following paragraphs, I will first out the objection, go over Bonjour’s response to the objection and illustrate his hidden assumption with a counter example.

The strongest objection to CTEK is that since CTEK is justified only in terms the internal coherence of the beliefs in the system, it does not have any relationship with the external world. A self-enclosed system of beliefs cannot constitute empirical knowledge. Bonjour’s defense is pretty straight forward, it simply link the coherent belief system in CTEK to observable facts from external world. He argues that in CTEK, the coherent system of beliefs must also coherent with reliable observation of the external world in long run. When a particular observation does not coherent with the belief system, CTEK can either neglect the particular observation as an incoherent exception to the belief system or refine the belief system to include the new observation. If there are too many incoherent exception observations accumulated in the belief system, the belief system will become less coherent with the world and eventually it will be replaced by a more coherent belief system. The belief system is continuously updating itself upon new observation to maintain its degree of coherence. The input from external world has causal relationship with the CTEK belief system where the belief system is justified by its coherence with observable facts of the external world. One of the key pieces in Bonjour’s argument is to establish what can be constituted as reliable observations yet at the same time is not a basic belief. He argues that spontaneous introspective beliefs on spontaneous sensa beliefs are very likely to be true. The reliability of cognitively spontaneous beliefs is part of the coherence system along with the observation of the external world. Therefore it is not a prior truth in the sense that it is required as the foundation for justification of the knowledge.

Bonjour based CTEK’s justification on the coherence of the belief system and the reliable observation of external world in long run. Let’s granted that the belief system and the observations are reliable, however Bonjour failed to address the underlining assumption that the external world is coherence in long run. If the external world is not coherence, then no belief system can stay coherent due to CTEK has a causal relationship with the external world. Bonjour uses the spontaneous visual belief a red book and the lack of spontaneous visual of a blue book to illustrate how the belief system is linked to the external world. What if there is a chance that the book randomly change colour every time I observe it? How can I conclude there is a red book on my desk but not a blue book on my desk? Even though I can trust my spontaneous beliefs from my sensa of the book, I cannot trust the object under my observation stays the same between my two observations. It is possible that the cover of the book is made of the latest colour changing e-paper technology, which in the case we can provide a coherent account for the observable fact. However, it is also possible that there is no scientific theory can possible explain why the book change its color. It could be the act of God and it is simply a miracle that the book changed from red to blue for no apparent reason. The CTEK justification adopt an objective clock work world view that rule out the existence of any supernatural power, such as an omnipotent God who defies all laws of physics.
In theory, we cannot epistemological justify the CTEK because we cannot epistemological justify the world is coherent. Hume argues that “Uniformity of Nature”, which is essentially the same as coherence of the world, cannot be justified, yet it is rational and non-optional for us to accept the habit of inductive inference. Practically, we can assume the world is coherent almost all of the time and take it as a weak foundation that it is probably initially true until shown otherwise. CTEK is actually a very weak FTEK in disguise; the base belief of CTEK is that the world is coherence to provide the foundation to build coherent belief systems.

However, it would be totally absurd to argue the world is not coherent. If the world is not coherent, then even FTEK is not possible to have any knowledge system. Just like FTEK cannot convince the ultimate skeptic, CTEK also fail to convince the ultimate skeptic that there is justification on any knowledge. Given the fact that assumption of the world is coherent must dialectically acceptable in the context of any knowledge theory to have any meaning, we can grant this assumption a priori status outside of any epistemic dialog. With this particular exception, I conclude that CTEK is successful in overcoming the objection regarding the relationship of coherent belief system and the external world.

[1] Laurence Bonjour, The Coherence Theory of Empirical Knowledge, Philosophical Studies 30 (1976) p281-312

Philosophy of History – Mark Day










第九章提出歷史的客觀性和主觀性的問題﹐到底歷史知識是普世性並超越時間﹐還是必須在當時的默絡裏解讀。歷史相對論者(historicism)認為人類的想法不停在改變﹐歷史學家不應用現代人的眼光去看過去的歷史﹐要追溯至原本事件的記錄和起源﹐不要被多年來堆積起來的解讀誤導。由於歷史學家也受制他們的時代﹐不論如何去解讀過去的歷史﹐總會帶有其處身時代的偏差﹐那客觀的歷史根本不可能存在。Max Weber認為每個人皆有其價值觀﹐只要歷史學者記錄的歷史不受其價值觀影響﹐那就乎合客觀歷史的條件。歷史中可以如實記錄其他人的價值和意見﹐只要沒有作者自身的意見便可以。可是選擇記錄什麼或不記錄什麼﹐也是一種價值取向亦會影響歷史的客觀性。Gadamer認為解讀歷史是與過去的對話﹐歷史學者不能對過去任意詮譯﹐必需要回答過去其他歷史學者的解讀﹐並要在對話中保持開放的心態﹐自己的意見可以隨著對話而改變。

第十章深入討論第六章中提過的歷史論述﹐以說故事的方式來記錄歷史。在二十世紀中歷史論述被分類為文學多於歷史﹐但作者認為歷史論述在歷史學中﹐佔有重要的位置﹐能夠讓讀者抽離現在的時空﹐跳進歷史當中感受當時的經驗。歷史故事有角色人物﹐亦有故事主線結局﹐說故事的人介入的多少﹐決定了歷史論述深淺厚度。歷史論述像說故事一樣要有起承轉合﹐主線可以在意料之外﹐但必需要在情理之中﹐故事前後穩含因果關係﹐有主旨貫通整個故事。Hayden White把不同歷史學家的歷史論述綜合總結﹐發展出超歷史學(Metahistory)﹐從歷史學家說故事修辭手法的異同﹐去重組歷史的知識和解釋。歷史論述與歷史小說的分別﹐在乎論述中的真實性。可是歷史學家為讓論述看起來更加真實﹐在論述中加插一些後世歷史學家不可能得知的瑣事。歷史論述可分為微觀和宏觀兩種﹐前者是把不同歷史人物的自我論述結合﹐從不同角度去觀察同一件事情。微觀歷史論述是集體回憶﹐但集體回憶並不是共同回憶﹐因為每個人的記憶也有不同。宏觀論述整合集體回憶中的分歧﹐把故事中所有觀點整合為統一的﹐超越事件中每個個體或組織的超論述。


