Tag Archives: new year resolution

horace.org spring renovation

Winter is over, spring has come.  Time is passing fast, a quarter of the year already over.  One of my new year resolution is to renovate my website.  It is about time to start my spring renovation project.  Just like any other project, renovating horace.org is temporary endeavor with an end time.  I have to list the scope of work, a clear objective and a feasible work plan.  If I do not have any plan, this project may drag on forever and never get done.  Here is the first cut of my work plan:

  1. Update wordpress to 2.7.1 – done
  2. Install useful plugins and widgets to aid my work and enhance the presentation of the site. 
  3. Change the theme and give the website a new look.  I should not repeat the mistake of creating a theme from scratch like last time.  It is too time consuming, I should install a ready made theme and custom it for my taste.
  4. Manage the categories.  I will split category to have a better organization of my blog entries.  I shall finally fill in the category description.
  5. Update the links on my blog.  It is very out of date.
  6. Add tags to old articles to aid reader navigate my site.
  7. Update the static pages in the site and finish writing the information page.
  8. Changing the books and anime page to a database format (considering)
  9. Install a wiki to use as a knowledge management system for my philosophy studies.

New Year Resolution 2009

Last year, I did not make any new year resolution. My attitude towards new year resolution swings between two extremes. In some years, I think it is a great motivator, but in other years, I think it is totally useless. Last year I have accomplished quite a few things. My biggest accomplishment was becoming a married man, moved on into the next stage of life. The next biggest accomplishment is that I spent almost 3 months working in India. It’s tough, but it is really an eye opener. I haven’t accomplish anything after I move in with Pat in the last two months. Probably that’s why I am feeling anguish recently. In order to find peace in mind, I should start making a plan for 2009. Here is my to-do list for the coming year.

– Have a baby
(Oh well, this one is out of my control)

– Write the PMP exam
(hopefully, the company is paying for it)

– Take CSIA level 2 exam
(I might fail, but I still want to try)

– Get the hunter license
(I just need 1 weekend free time, probably do it after the ski season)

– Take one philosophy course per term
(my challenge is to find a quiet study time)

– Practice shooting once a week
(probably lack of shooting practice is another reason why I am feeling anguish)

– Learn how to maintain my AR-15 first, so that I can try it.
(haven’t touch it since I got it)

– Upgrade the WordPress installation in horace.org
(my blog system is really out of date)

– Toronto trip in May for Leon’s wedding

– HK/Asia trip in X’mas for Mingwai’s wedding

– More India travel (?)

– Balance my TV/anime/movie/books appetite
(In 2008, I only read 15 books and watched 17 anime and 45 movies/TV)

– Stop wasting time watching Fairchild TV every night.

– Write blog everyday!

New Year Resolution 2007

Last year was the first time I wrote new year resolution. Looking back last year, I am surprised to find that I have accomplished most of my goals set in my new year resolution. Writing a new year resolution is a very effective way to motivate myself into action, since putting it down in words solidify your thoughts.

In 2007, there are still many things up in the air and outside of my control. I will focus working on what I can determine. I will continue to work hard in PMC, and keep up my good works from last year. Once my plan for the coming fall is finalized, I will rethink whether I want to switch job again.

I will continue practice skiing and take lessons. I will take the level 2 instructor preparation class and determine whether I can take the exam at the end of the season. In the summer, after I put away my skis, I will find a sport and force myself to exercise. I will pick up golfing again, take some advance classes and swim at least once a week.

I will continue to study philosophy part time in SFU. I want to learn philosophical theory as well as to improve my writing. I know I can be a B student, my goal is set to be an A student. I will keep joining the internet readers club, so I have friends to read difficult philosophy books together and I can share my thoughts through discussion of the books.

Last year, learn how to play piano is the only goal that is not fulfilled. I will have piano from Pat regularly every week and practice piano at least once every two days. It is quite embarrassing to be a tone deaf and knows nothing about music. If I can finish the two beginner piano lesson books, I will take the grade 1 exam, so that I can proudly say I know how to play piano.

I have moved my website to a new hosting company. I am not going to run my own linux sever, which is too much trouble. After I re-organize the files in my XP PC, I will reinstall linux on the old PC for experiment purpose. I am going to create a nice theme for my blog, that will have a better interface. Having a nice website is the first step to become a popular blogger. I will keep writing articles or blogs everyday. I will cut down the time I spent in useless debate on the web, and use the time to write quality articles instead. I have to remind myself that I go there to refine my thoughts, not to win any arguments.