Winter is over, spring has come. Time is passing fast, a quarter of the year already over. One of my new year resolution is to renovate my website. It is about time to start my spring renovation project. Just like any other project, renovating is temporary endeavor with an end time. I have to list the scope of work, a clear objective and a feasible work plan. If I do not have any plan, this project may drag on forever and never get done. Here is the first cut of my work plan:
- Update wordpress to 2.7.1 – done
- Install useful plugins and widgets to aid my work and enhance the presentation of the site.
- Change the theme and give the website a new look. I should not repeat the mistake of creating a theme from scratch like last time. It is too time consuming, I should install a ready made theme and custom it for my taste.
- Manage the categories. I will split category to have a better organization of my blog entries. I shall finally fill in the category description.
- Update the links on my blog. It is very out of date.
- Add tags to old articles to aid reader navigate my site.
- Update the static pages in the site and finish writing the information page.
- Changing the books and anime page to a database format (considering)
- Install a wiki to use as a knowledge management system for my philosophy studies.